Audio Version Of The Blog – 12/12/23

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Don’t Let Your Mouth Cause the Arrival of an Evil Thought

527.01Question: Why is so much importance attached to the fact that “one must not let one’s mouth cause the arrival of an evil thought”?

Answer: When you speak out loud and breathe something positive or negative out of yourself, you connect with the entire world and are awakening positive or negative waves in it.

Question: But a bad action is more harmful than mere slander, correct? In principle, Kabbalists always wrote about slander as something very terrible that destroys the system, but they did not talk about actions at all. Was this something that goes without saying?

Answer: Yes, of course. It is clear that the bad actions of an individual harm others. But even if the negativity comes from words or thoughts, it is bad for the whole system.

Comment: But I cannot control my thoughts.

My Response: Correct yourself so that these thoughts do not arise in you. The main thing is to try.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 11/12/23

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A Word Spoken…
Silence Preferred

The First Manifestation of the Creator

202.0The word Hatan [bridegroom] also indicates descent, as we learn, “Come down from your degree and marry a woman” (Rashbi, Zohar for All, “On the Night of the Bride, 128”).

Hatan (groom), from the word “Nahut,” Nahut Darga, means that the groom descends from his height to the bride, and takes her as his wife.

In other words, the Creator clothes himself in people so that they can begin to attain Him. In this case, He approaches them and they can study Him. A person begins to feel that he has a longing for understanding the meaning of life, spiritual ascent, and the closeness between people.

This is how the first encounter between the Creator and the soul of a person takes place.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 11/12/23

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The Spiritual State of “The Night of the Bride”
Sons Of The King’s Palace
Invitation to The Bride’s Chamber

The Measure of One’s Greatness

237Question: It is written that one’s greatness is measured by one’s measure of Dvekut (adhesion) with the Creator, meaning one’s measure of annulment before the Creator. What does the measure of one’s greatness mean?

Answer: To the degree a person can rise above his egoism, meaning to ask the Creator to annul his egoism and to replace his property of reception with the property of bestowal and love in connection with others, is the degree of his spirituality.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/29/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Descends and Incites, Ascends and Complains“

Related Material:
Revealing The Creator’s Greatness
To Rise Above The Ego
I Exist Because I Do Not Exist!

Breaking Forward

79.02Question: Recently, during our meeting we felt like we were entering some kind of space through the superimposition of our reality. It happened through the perception of the ten, through integrating with everything, through you, your voice, and your speech.

But after that, there was some confusion as to whether we were making the right progress. After all, we did not enter there to visit. There was a feeling that we did not have enough knowledge.

If sensations precede knowledge, should we restrain them and wait until we gain knowledge?

Answer: Feeling and knowledge are not the same thing, one can be ahead of the other.

But we should not be afraid, we should just go toward the goal and break forward as far as possible. It does not matter whether feeling is above knowledge or knowledge is above feelings. Just keep moving forward.

The main thing is to be together. When we are together, we cover everything with it.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/28/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is, ‘An Ox Knows Its Owner, etc., Israel Does Not Know,’ in the Work?“

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Everything Is Determined By Unity
Always Forward And Not A Step Back
The Way A Caterpillar Crawls

Subtleties of a Common Meal

507.05Question: How do we feel the state of a meal in the ten during a virtual connection?

Answer: This is a problem. Put everyone in front of you with a meal or at least a sandwich, and eat it together with everyone. At the same time, you should feel that you are sitting at the same table with your friends and have a pleasant feeling from eating together.

Question: According to the great Ari, during the meal, new qualities from the shattering are revealed, although not everyone feels it. How do these scrutinies happen?

Answer: The shattering of the vessels (Kelim) continues until the final correction. Therefore, do not pay attention to it, but think only about the correction. The correction will slow down and stop the shattering of the vessels.
Fromthe 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/25/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is, ‘Every Day They Will Be as New in Your Eyes,’ in the Work?“

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A Meal Is A Time Of Contemplation
Silence at Kabbalistic Meals
Meals In The Temple

Develop Faith in the Creator

961.2During the work, he felt that he could not overcome the evil in him, it is because he was still not rewarded with entering Kedusha. However, he believes that as soon as he enters Kedusha the Sitra Achra will be canceled as a candle before a torch (Rabash, Article No. 3 (1987) “All of Israel Have a Part in the Next World“).

Question: What causes the transition from one degree to another in spiritual work?

Answer: Over time we will feel it for ourselves. Now, we just need to go deeper into ourselves and feel that first degree, which, in principle, we may already be in.

Question: The article mentions several times that you need to believe. For me today, the word “believe” is perceived in two ways. Does it have something to do with spiritual degrees?

Answer: This concept is connected with the quality of faith in the Creator. If you do not feel the Creator at all, how can you ask Him for anything? Therefore, this first feeling is the weakest. But still, a person should already have a connection with the Creator. And then he needs to develop the quality of faith.

Question: It turns out that faith is an active inner action, right?

Answer: Yes, not at the first degree, but at the second.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/26/23, Writings of Rabash “All of Israel Have a Part in the Next World“

Related Material:
First Stage Of Movement Toward Correction
Feeling The Creator Is Called Faith
Feel The Creator

Condition of Spiritual Connection

934Question: We say that a person should nullify himself before the ten. What exactly should he nullify?

Answer: He must nullify his egoism, not his opinion, but his egoism. Therefore, he must have a desire to diminish himself before his friends and place himself under the control of the ten.

Then he, as the lowest, will be able to connect with his friends and rise with them.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/25/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is, ‘Every Day They Will Be as New in Your Eyes,’ in the Work?“

Related Material:
Creative Annulment Before The Friends
Humiliating Pride And High Self-Annulment
Annul Yourself Only Before The Friends Along The Spiritual Path

Evaluate Your Own Actions Correctly

549.02Question: It is said that when a person stops the connection with the Creator, even for a moment, it is considered that he has violated the greatest prohibition, and then the upper agrees with the thought of the lower. What does it mean?

Answer: This means that as much as a person evaluates his actions as a plus or minus, his actions are evaluated from above, i.e., they bring him closer or further away from the Creator. A person determines the degree to which he rises or falls.

It turns out that as far as he sees his transgression as grave, this determines the force of his prayer.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/25/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Round About Him It Storms Mightily“

Related Material:
How Can You Evaluate Yourself?
Judge Yourself

Questions about Spiritual Work—40

281.02Question: How can we work correctly with negative examples in the environment, which sometimes affect us more than the positive ones and distance us from the source?

Answer: We try not to see them, according to the rule all crimes will be covered by love.

Question: What is the difference between the big and small commandments?

Answer: There is no difference between them, all the commandments are the same. There are commandments concerning all people, and they are the main ones. And there are commandments concerning the person himself or something else, and they are secondary.

Question: We can avoid the state of forgetfulness only by working for bestowal and multiplying good deeds in the ten. So why do they still arise despite the fact that you try to work for bestowal?

Answer: Since we cannot stay in a good state, egoism rises in us, and we fall into it again.

Question: Is it taken into account above how a person evaluates himself or how the group evaluates him?

Answer: The group’s assessment is taken into account.

Question: In order to feel the giver in the ten, we must awaken a point in the heart so that it connects us, and we, constantly receiving pleasure, feel Him?

Answer: No, you will not be able to constantly feel pleasure and the giver. You will be able to achieve these states to the extent that you become givers yourself.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/25/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Round About Him It Storms Mightily”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—39
Questions about Spiritual Work—38
Questions about Spiritual Work—37