Questions about Spiritual Work—40

281.02Question: How can we work correctly with negative examples in the environment, which sometimes affect us more than the positive ones and distance us from the source?

Answer: We try not to see them, according to the rule all crimes will be covered by love.

Question: What is the difference between the big and small commandments?

Answer: There is no difference between them, all the commandments are the same. There are commandments concerning all people, and they are the main ones. And there are commandments concerning the person himself or something else, and they are secondary.

Question: We can avoid the state of forgetfulness only by working for bestowal and multiplying good deeds in the ten. So why do they still arise despite the fact that you try to work for bestowal?

Answer: Since we cannot stay in a good state, egoism rises in us, and we fall into it again.

Question: Is it taken into account above how a person evaluates himself or how the group evaluates him?

Answer: The group’s assessment is taken into account.

Question: In order to feel the giver in the ten, we must awaken a point in the heart so that it connects us, and we, constantly receiving pleasure, feel Him?

Answer: No, you will not be able to constantly feel pleasure and the giver. You will be able to achieve these states to the extent that you become givers yourself.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/25/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Round About Him It Storms Mightily”

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