Questions about Spiritual Work—37

629.1Question: In the modern whirl of life, it is very difficult to stop for a few hours and delve into inner work with intention and request. Can the lack of such an opportunity be compensated by working in our tens?

Answer: Yes. But all the same, in order to delve into the work in the group, you have to break away from this world.

Question: It is said that if there is no desire in the heart, the mind cannot explore. What exactly is the work of the mind?

Answer: It is to realize, understand, and accept what the Creator wants to explain and reveal to us.

Question: What should I do with the jealousy of the Creator that arises in me? I want so much to be His favorite.

Answer: Do you not have to be one of many for that? We are all children of the Creator. If the Creator loves His creations, then you must also love His creations.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/22/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “When One Feels Oneself in a State of Ascent“

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