Questions about Spiritual Work—36

528.03Question: What state should we strive for so that the flame itself flares up in the heart?

Answer: We must strive to ensure that all our little sparks gather into one big flame.

Question: What if instead of hating the desire to receive hatred for the Creator manifests itself: “You did all this. You lowered me into this deep hole”?

Answer: It does not matter. The main thing is that we must find out the truth. If our internal properties are such that we begin to hate the Creator, then we fix this, and from this point, we begin to develop further.

Question: What drives the efforts in the ten?

Answer: Only the joint efforts of the ten are this drive.

Question: It is said that working in coercion is rewarded with faith. What can we force our friends to do to help them achieve faith?

Answer: Commit yourself to actions of bestowal, show their example and consequences so your friends learn as a result of your actions. That is called “Let man help his neighbor.”
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/22/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is ‘The Concealed Things Belong to the Lord, and the Revealed Things Belong to Us,’ in the Work?“

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