Questions about Spiritual Work—38

248.02Question: Is it necessary to cause a spiritual craving for adhesion with the Creator?

Answer: Absolutely! But you can only receive it from the friends by looking at them, hearing them, and envying them.

Question: We are supposed to work in joy and gratitude. So why do the sources say: “As is the sorrow, so is the reward”? Why do we have to go through states of suffering again and again?

Answer: It depends on what we consider suffering. If moving away from the Creator even for one minute is perceived by us as suffering, then this quickly brings our thoughts back to the Creator.

Question: How can I not enjoy for my own sake while eating a meal, but bring contentment to the Host?

Answer: Show the host how much you enjoy His food, appreciate the meal, and feel the tastes in each dish so He really receives pleasure from your joy.

Question: We work so much in the ten. Why do we always lose what the Creator gives us?

Answer: We cannot establish the correct connection between us and keep what we receive from the Creator. Therefore, it disappears.

Question: You tell us not to think about the bad. What if these thoughts have become very intrusive, like an annoying fly, to the point of exiting the ten? What can be done in this state?

Answer: Work on yourself. Consider yourself your own enemy.

Question: You say we need to be close but without opening our hearts. What does being close to each other mean?

Answer: Do not open your hearts so as not to interfere with each other. Think about how you can be close without interfering with each other.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/24/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Labored and Did Not Find? Do Not Believe“

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