Make the Night Shine

921Question: In one of the comments to the “Preface of The Book of Zohar” you explained: “In fact, the night is full of light, and only we are not able to see at night. We lack the light of love, the light of bestowalHasadim, so, to see it.” How should we understand this?

Answer: Very simply, if we had the qualities of bestowal in us and if we wanted to get closer to each other and to the Creator, then we would light up the darkness of the night with our striving and it would shine.

We see only darkness in our relationship, not light. We do not enjoy giving and caring for each other, but enjoy using one another.

Therefore, our method is to correct the state of darkness where I feel very bad bestowing to others and to turn the night into day.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 11/12/23

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Day And Night In Spirituality
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How Can We Turn The Night Into Day?

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