Who Is the Bread of Bestowal Intended For

531.03The Egyptians despised the food of the Hebrews, since all the bread of the Hebrews, meaning their nourishment, was in order to bestow, and to the Egyptians, all the bread is evil-eyed, namely to receive (Rabash, article No. 13 “What Is the “Bread of an Evil-Eyed Man” in the Work?“).

Question: How can we share the bread of bestowal in dissemination and how can we impress our surroundings?

Answer: Unfortunately you will not delight the external environment with this. They do not have those spiritual roots, and they will not understand you.

With a person who has no connection with the Creator, with spirituality, nothing can be done. And for those who have a connection, you should bring them closer to you, and include them in your work on connection, and from this, they will begin to understand what it means to be closer to each other.

Question: How can we understand and feel that spiritual work is a reward?

Answer: You can verify this only by working in a group.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/24/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is the “Bread of an Evil-Eyed Man” in the Work?“

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