When Everything Is Clear Without Words

565.02Question: In our lessons we study a very deep topic: silence. In the treatise Masechet Avot,: 1:17, which was written 2,000 years ago by our sages, it says: “I grew up my whole life among sages, and have not found anything good for the body besides silence.

Why is silence so lofty: “..and have not found anything good…?”

Answer: Because a person should actually talk to himself. And when one talks to himself, he starts to switch to the Creator too.

Question: Is this how the system works?

Answer: Yes. How can it be that I talk to myself? I talk to the Creator.

Question: What are all the hundreds, thousands, and millions of people around for? They say: “For communication.”

Answer: Not for communication. Communication should be through feelings, internally, particularly through silence. Why talk?

Question: Why are we given speech then?

Answer: This is for extreme cases, I would say. When you sit and figure out some issues with the sages, then it is another matter. But if there is no such opportunity, the best thing is silence.

Comment: But quite often it is uncomfortable to be silent. You feel that someone is waiting for you to engage in a conversation, thinking: “What is going on with him? He does not like something, he is silent.”

My Response: It depends on who and how. If this person is close to you, especially in spirit, you can be silent.

Question: Is the silence you are talking about a conversation with the Creator?

Answer: Silence is precisely a conversation with the Creator. It is good when a person chooses to turn to the Creator this way so that it is always from the heart.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/21/23

Related Material:
Silence Preferred
The Power Of Silence
Silent Pledge

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