Hate Evil and Love Good

963.5Question: How can we hate evil on one hand, and on the other hand be happy working with it? How can we combine these two opposite feelings?

Answer: These feelings can be combined perfectly. You will see how evil and good help to recognize each other and increase each other.

Although it seems to us that they are ready to destroy each other, in fact, evil brings out good, and good reveals even greater evil, and thus helps a person hate evil and love good.

Question: How important is it to hate evil? Is it enough to understand that you need to move away from evil?

Answer: No, this is not just a calculation in the head, but a feeling in the heart. Both love and hate, should be felt in the heart.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/21/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Transgression Does Not Extinguish a Mitzva“

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The Law Of Balance Of Good And Evil
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