From the Desire to Bestow to the Creator

527.03Question: You said that I should yearn for the Creator not out of the desire to adhere to Him but from the desire to bestow to Him. How can I draw such a boundary internally in order to really yearn to bestow to Him?

Answer: You can generate and develop this desire in you only if you work together with the group. Envy, lust, and honor, this is what you should have here.

Question: What does it mean that I have a desire to bestow to Him and not to adhere to Him?

Answer: To bestow means to be in contact with the Creator. As He is to you so you are to Him.
Adhesion is a passive action while mutual bestowal is an active one.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah lesson 11/28/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is, ‘An Ox Knows Its Owner, etc., Israel Does Not Know,’ in the Work?“

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