What Can Bring Contentment to the Creator?

243.04Question: The feeling of the Creator’s greatness is pleasure and joy. How do we accept this state correctly in order not to receive pleasure for our own sake, but to become a giver to bring contentment and delight to the Creator?

Answer: We must be ready for this. We want to reveal the Creator only to bring Him contentment. When we reveal the Creator, it will add great strength to our work.

Question: The Creator constantly gives us the opportunity to choose. How do we choose what will delight Him?

Answer: What will delight your friends will delight Him.

Question: And if we proceed from the corporeal world?

Answer: What can you give to the Creator from the corporeal world? Nothing.

He has everything: all the necessary Kelim and means to feel you in any state.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/3/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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