The Balance between the Material and the Spiritual

506.2Question: To the extent that we have a desire for the Creator and connection, material desires for this world are revealed in us. How do we work with them?

Answer: Perform them sequentially. You cannot give up this world, but you must establish a correlation between it and the spiritual world. Try to see where you have to make a correction at the beginning and then at the end.

Question: Should this balance be in intention or in action?

Answer: In principle, we want our intentions to coincide with our actions.

Question: If I want something material, should I build the right intention or make a complete restriction on it?

Answer: No. You have to make a plan for yourself for when you exercise a spiritual intention and when you fulfill a material one.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/2/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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