Audio Version Of The Blog – 8/25/23

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In Transition between Two Worlds

13.03Question: During the Coronavirus epidemic we were forced to switch to virtual interaction. We are now trying to get back to physical meetings and have a hard time meeting once a week. What do such meetings add to us, and is it worth striving for them?

Answer: We start our path in our world and so we must continue it. There can be no other opinions here. We must come together in ever larger groups according to the strength, quantity, and quality of the unity.

We are obliged to draw closer to each other; this is the program of creation. In other words, we must feel the yearning to unite hearts and inner desires. Although we do not have any natural inclinations for this, we are obligated to do it.

We must return the whole world, everything that exists in the universe, to a single desire that would want to be together in its inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human manifestations. This is what we are moving toward now. We are at a turning point, at a pass.

We need to understand this well, think about it, and evaluate it considering the entire history of humanity, everything that happens to us, as necessary actions for our correction. We have to think and talk about it, feel it, and that is how we should act and advance.

Do not worry. We are moving forward. We will still have to unite to the extent that we will no longer feel the difference between us until all our bodies and all of corporeality begin to disappear from our sensations.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/12/23, Writing of Rabash “The Importance of Faith that Is Always Present”

Related Material:
The Relationship Between Two Worlds
The Convergence of Two Worlds
Between Two Worlds: Upper and Lower

Inevitable Change

231.01Question: At the moment, we do not have external constraints that would force us to stay in a virtual connection. How do we get back to physical meetings? What is the difference whether we work in the ten or gather together with all the tens? There are no restrictions but they remained within us, and we got stuck in them.

Answer: I see that after the virus there are many changes in each of us and between us, between the tens, and in general groups. There is nothing we can do about it. We must understand that such changes must obviously take place.

We, in Israel, also have big changes in the groups, in numbers, in connections, and in the way we unite. I think that it will take some more time, and maybe it will turn into a new state and not somehow return to the past.

Every one of us must work in their group. The tens are by no means canceled; the wisdom of Kabbalah speaks about their necessity. Connection of the tens, however, will begin when we come closer to the common desire. As it is said in the Torah when they entered the Land of Israel, they began to unite and correct themselves. I hope this will all become clear soon.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/12/23, Writing of Rabash “The Importance of Faith that Is Always Present”

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The Group Is Built On Reciprocity
From Physical Contact To The Field Of Sensations
Separated By Computer Screens

Learning not with the Mind but with the Heart

165Thus, when a person learns Torah, he must intend that the Torah and Mitzvot he is doing will help him emerge from the control of the evil (“What Is ‘The Earth Feared and Was Still,’ in the Work,” RABASH).

When we try to connect and ask together to be changed from egoists to altruists that are connected with each other by good ties, it means that we use the upper light, the upper energy, the light of the Torah or the Torah itself in order to correct ourselves. This is what we should be doing.

Question: What does it mean “to learn the Torah”?

Answer: It means to feel what is happening in us at that time. This is called learning not with the mind, but with the heart.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 8/6/23, “My Heart Is Slain within Me”

Related Material:
The Diagnostic And Curative Power Of The Torah
The Torah And Kabbalah
Preparation For Receiving The Torah: The Light Of Correction

Until You Say: “I Want!”

507.05In Kabbalistic sources there is a saying: “He is forced until he says, ‘I want!’” (Kidushin 50a)

This means that a person makes every effort to be similar to the Creator, to follow His ways, that is, the path of coming closer to others and rising above his egoism.

This is how the surrounding light affects us although we do not feel it yet.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 8/8/23, “Habit becomes a second nature”

Related Material:
How Can We Become Like The Creator?
The Light In The Vessel: Not Only Fulfillment But Permeation
Unification Of The Souls = Equivalence To The Creator

Put Yourself Into Creator’s Hands

565.02Question: Whenever I make a decision, it seems like I have weighed everything, all the pros and cons, but almost always, the opposite happens. If I want to save money, I lose it; If I want to save time, I lose it; If I want to please my wife, everything comes out backwards. I’m getting desperate. How should I make decisions?

Answer: Do not make them, and you’ll see how everything works out. Calm down and don’t make decisions. I do not know what decisions you need to make, but generally, you should let go of the reins and let the horse drive you. Let it take you where it feels you need to go. An animal is never wrong. People are wrong.

Question: Is this animal our body?

Answer: Yes, so everything will be fine.

Question: Let us say I have a desire to save money and I keep spending as before; is the outcome the same or am I saving? Have I put anything away and started saving?

Answer: Give the money to your wife; that’s all. If you try to hoard it, it won’t work. Better give it to someone in charge of it anyway.

Question: I see. So along the same lines, what if I want to save time, to generally make better use of my time?

Answer: Nothing will happen. Live quietly with the questions that arise. Deal with them as they come up and do not stress over it.

Question: Is there a higher wisdom in this?

Answer: Of course.

Comment: So is it like entrusting myself into His hands, as in, you created me like this, and this is how I come? If only we could yield like that! How many mistakes would we have avoided!

My Response: “If youth only knew, if old age only could.”

Question: This means, all our actions in this world: to save time, or money, to be someone, to make something, etc., are all somehow corrupt?

Answer: Yes, because we are rooted in egoism. There is nothing you can do here.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/31/23

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Toss a Coin or Think?
Advice For Making Decisions
Where To Look For The Right Solution?

What Does It Mean to Reveal the Creator?

610.2Question: What does it mean to reveal The Creator? How can this be done?

Answer: To reveal the Creator means to reveal the singular force that governs everything and leads us toward its goal.

Numerous conclusions can be drawn from this: How we can reveal Him, how we can utilize our connection with Him, whether we possess the capability for this, and so on. All of this is studied in the science of Kabbalah.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah in the modern turbulent world” 8/3/23

Related Material:
Revealing the Real Creator
Where Can We Reveal The Creator?
Man, The World, And The Creator

New Life 259 – Introduction To The Course For Parents Of Adolescents

New Life 259 – Introduction To The Course For Parents Of Adolescents
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz

Today there is a disconnect between parents and their adolescent children. What is unique about the youth of today? What kind of change must parents make in order to connect with and communicate with the youth?

Question: What is unique about the teenagers of today in comparison to the teenagers of previous years?

Answer: In prior generations, teenagers had a desire to develop in life, to conquer, and to achieve. Today’s world has changed. Children are exposed to everything, they are satiated from the start. It is not that important to them to find a profession because they see that we are living like slaves and still don’t feel secure.

We need to build a new world for young people. Otherwise despair will finish them off. In the new world, a person’s work will be to improve his connection with others and improve the connection between people in general. In the future, people will get what they need for living from the nation and will be involved with improving the connections between them. The young people of today do not want to and cannot continue to live according to the old agenda. Only if we change ourselves can we build a good new world that will give young people a desire to live.

In the new world, a person will be free. Nothing will pressure him except an internal need to connect more with the environment.
From KabTV’s “New Life 259 – Introduction To The Course For Parents Of Adolescents,” 11/24/13
This summary was written and edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

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“Is there any purpose in life?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Is there any purpose in life?

The purpose of life is to rise above our inborn animal level of existence to the human one, where we realize our positive connection to each other and to nature, and where we can properly discern between good and evil, and exercise our free choice to choose good.

In such a context, “good” means closeness among each other and with nature’s force of love and bestowal, while “evil” means anything that distances us from achieving that closeness.

When we exercise our free choice to rise above our animal level of existence in this way, and enter into our next state of development, we will then experience perfection: a world full of people who understand and feel that they live in an interconnected and interdependent system. In such a state, we all share a harmonious connection and clearly perceive how the upper positive force of nature acts on us.

We then each become willing to be humanity’s representatives, including everyone within ourselves, caring for them and connecting them to the positive force that dwells in nature, sharing a common experience of perfection, harmony and peace.

Based on the video “What Does it Mean to Exercise Our Free Will?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 8/25/23

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “What Is, “For I Have Hardened His Heart,” in the Work?”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, Explanation of the Article, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

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Selected Highlights

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