Separated By Computer Screens

959Question: Currently nature has separated us with the coronavirus as well as computer screens. We are developing a kind of virtual reality. What is the next stage of the communication level between us?

Answer: When we understand that in the correct connection between us, not the Internet connection, but with corrected feelings, we can create a form of unity that will allow us to feel the hidden layer of nature, then we will begin to reveal nature in its true form.

Question: It is clear that physical communication between people is much harder than virtual because it requires energy and attention. It is much easier to contact others through screens. Once we learn to communicate through screens, will we be able to communicate physically on a different level?

Answer: Maybe. I hope that this is what will happen. I can see from the spread of Kabbalah in the world that this is how we are developing.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/7/20

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