Audio Version Of The Blog – 8/23/23

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My Own Boss

555Question: Throughout the world today, especially in Western Europe, more and more apartments are being built that are designed for one person. People are less willing to burden themselves with a relationship with someone, and instead are planning their lives alone. Why is this happening?

Answer: First, it is because we can afford to provide ourselves with food, groceries, services, laundry, etc., and be our own bosses.

When living with someone else and constantly feeling that next to you is someone who limits you is not for everyone. Only if a person has some special relationship with another person, can he endure him, sacrifice himself, and limit himself in order to give him room.

But today, people are not entirely ready for this. Why should I squeeze myself into the corner of my own apartment in order to make room for another? I must clearly imagine what I can get from this and why it is more convenient for me, and so on.

When people had problems buying food, cooking, cooling, or heating, especially if they had a child, they made compromises. A modern person, however, can provide himself with everything necessary.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah in the Modern Turbulent World” 8/3/23

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Until Habit Becomes Second Nature

281.02Every day we must constantly pull ourselves up and thus overcome all problems.

When there is a taste for something, it is easier to develop a habit. In order to feel the taste of bestowal, you need to cling to your friends, talk to them about it, discuss it, and then you will understand how to grasp a higher degree in an easier way.

The result of the habit should be a positive connection and love.

Question: It seems to me that I already attend lessons and meetings out of habit, but it seems to remain a semi-finished product of desire.

Answer: Correct. It will be so until the meaning of these actions is revealed to you.

You have to keep going until the habit becomes second nature.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/7/23, “Habit becomes a second nature”

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The Power Of Habit
A Good Habit: Desire To Bestow

How Can You Stop Justifying Egoism?

294.3Question: How can we make it so that we do not constantly justify egoism but make it work for us?

Answer: The best thing is to do it with love. When I try to develop love for friends, my egoism moves somewhere to the side.

Question: How can I avoid justifying any of my actions by the statement “There is none else besides Him” since this removes all responsibility from me?

Answer: Integrate with the group more, and then it will become clearer what you are doing.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 8/3/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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Love Of Friends Is Our Common Treasure
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The Main Thing Is to Bring Hearts Closer Together

528.02Question: When preparing for each meeting or lesson, I have to scrutinize the reason I want to feel the greatness of the Creator. If I have no such habit, does it mean the basis for spiritual work has not been built?

Answer: It is desirable to have one or two questions prepared in advance on the topic we are studying, then listen to the lesson and ask new questions.

Question: Sometimes I am in a state where I am already thinking about my friends, so that they come to a meeting, overcome obstacles, and feel the greatness of the Creator. And the state of thinking about myself disappears. Is this state more similar to the Creator? Should there be any stages in this work?

Answer: The main thing is to bring hearts closer together. You need nothing else. You should constantly remind each other about this. After all, the moment you leave your hearts and do not direct them to get closer to each other, you immediately crumble. Think all the time about the way to be in one heart.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/3/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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What Can You Demand From Friends?
Preference For Connection
Think Only About Getting Closer

In a Single Thought

165Question: How can we always be in search of the Creator? We are constantly looking for something, and some things lead us away from the search for the main thing in life. How can we not make mistakes and look only for the Creator?

Answer: I think it is necessary to talk more often with your friends about the need to unite with each other in such a desire, in such an intention, in such a thought that you could attract the Creator to yourself.

What for? So that He fills you and raises you to His level. This is what you desire.

Take all your friends, even the entire world group, connect them all mentally and turn to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/4/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

Related Material:
Search For The Creator Within The Creatures
From Love Of Created Beings To Love Of The Creator
Becoming A Part Of The Creator’s Thought

Sensitivity to Friends

528.02Question: There are states in the ten when you feel ascent, joy, and love for friends. It seems that everything is fine. But suddenly friends leave with great criticism. Does it mean that we do not see the real state of the friends in the connection but only our egoism?

Answer: It happens in different ways. How can we rise above egoism without revealing it?

Question: How do we step over our states and see what friends really feel?

Answer: You have to imagine this even if you do not see it. You have to justify them.

Of course, you may not notice that a friend is feeling bad. Therefore, we need to talk about it and try to think good about everyone.

Question: In developing sensitivity to friends, we experience two polar states: either you are completely insensitive or, to the contrary, you are very worried and overreact about anything. How can one control this sensitivity?

Answer: I cannot advise anything. Keep going and you will see that you will still come to the correct result. Just continue, every day, so that there is something new in your relationship and in your appeal to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/6/23, “My Heart Is Slain within Me”

Related Material:
There Is No Light Without Friends
Penetrating Love Through Barricades Of Hate
Asking To Love

New Life 253 – Why We Help

New Life 253 – Why We Help
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe

Why are there differences in the tendency of people to help others? What are the factors that influence the behavior of people toward their environment? How is this connected to the development of the ego?

All human behavior is the result of human nature. No matter what, people are always working for their own benefit. Even deeds that seem altruistic are motivated by covert egoism.

Humans are social creatures. Education regarding the value of relating well with others and protecting the environment is already required from an early age. If courteous behavior were implemented today, it would become unpleasant for a person to go crazy on the highway.

A person is a desire to enjoy; the ego is a mechanism that calculates cost versus benefit. So far we have been educated that it is worthwhile for us to relate well to the environment and to others. More advanced integral education develops a person’s ability to feel dependent and connected with everyone.

There is a professional process that relies upon expert guidance in integral development. We need to ask what the process is by which the ego of a person moves from the personal to the general—from “I” to “we”— so the person will act for the good of all. Blocked people are built from the same material as everyone else, but in them the ego is simply more developed.

When a good connection is formed between people, they begin to feel a unique, additional, shared power within it. If we smile at someone, we transmit good energy, and it causes that person also to want to behave positively. A person learns to enjoy his good relationship with others. This fills him with satisfaction, and gives him the strength to keep going. All of us are connected. When we treat someone aggressively, it will cause him to also relate to others in this way. If I don’t treat everyone well, I will have caused irreversible harm to all of us
From KabTV’s “New Life 253 – Why We Help,” 11/15/13
This summary was written and edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

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“Do natural disasters help bring people together?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Do natural disasters help bring people together?

We see people coming together and helping each other out more during crises. Nature sends such situations precisely in order for us to wake up to our connection, and to the idea that we need to consider the benefit of others as our own benefit.

Nature is a live system. It is round, connected from beginning to end and vice versa. In other words, it is an integral system, which is in a constant reciprocal connection.

When we change our attitudes to each other, we accordingly change the way the system of nature relates to us. If we relate positively to each other, we then feel nature’s influence on us as harmonious and peaceful. In other words, nature influences us the way we influence it through our attitudes to each other.

Therefore, when we change our attitudes to nature on the human or social level, even though nature seemingly influences us on the biological level, then our response on the human or social level influences the entire system of nature. The way we then feel nature on the biological level also changes to one that feels harmonious and peaceful.

Based on the video, “Why People Help Each Other During Times of Crisis [The Core Reason]” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.
Photo by Saikiran Kesari on Unsplash.

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 8/23/23

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “What Is the Meaning of the Purification of a Cow’s Ashes, in the Work?”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, Explanation of the Article, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

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3rd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Last Generation”

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Selected Highlights

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