New Life 253 – Why We Help

New Life 253 – Why We Help
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe

Why are there differences in the tendency of people to help others? What are the factors that influence the behavior of people toward their environment? How is this connected to the development of the ego?

All human behavior is the result of human nature. No matter what, people are always working for their own benefit. Even deeds that seem altruistic are motivated by covert egoism.

Humans are social creatures. Education regarding the value of relating well with others and protecting the environment is already required from an early age. If courteous behavior were implemented today, it would become unpleasant for a person to go crazy on the highway.

A person is a desire to enjoy; the ego is a mechanism that calculates cost versus benefit. So far we have been educated that it is worthwhile for us to relate well to the environment and to others. More advanced integral education develops a person’s ability to feel dependent and connected with everyone.

There is a professional process that relies upon expert guidance in integral development. We need to ask what the process is by which the ego of a person moves from the personal to the general—from “I” to “we”— so the person will act for the good of all. Blocked people are built from the same material as everyone else, but in them the ego is simply more developed.

When a good connection is formed between people, they begin to feel a unique, additional, shared power within it. If we smile at someone, we transmit good energy, and it causes that person also to want to behave positively. A person learns to enjoy his good relationship with others. This fills him with satisfaction, and gives him the strength to keep going. All of us are connected. When we treat someone aggressively, it will cause him to also relate to others in this way. If I don’t treat everyone well, I will have caused irreversible harm to all of us
From KabTV’s “New Life 253 – Why We Help,” 11/15/13
This summary was written and edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

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