Sensitivity to Friends

528.02Question: There are states in the ten when you feel ascent, joy, and love for friends. It seems that everything is fine. But suddenly friends leave with great criticism. Does it mean that we do not see the real state of the friends in the connection but only our egoism?

Answer: It happens in different ways. How can we rise above egoism without revealing it?

Question: How do we step over our states and see what friends really feel?

Answer: You have to imagine this even if you do not see it. You have to justify them.

Of course, you may not notice that a friend is feeling bad. Therefore, we need to talk about it and try to think good about everyone.

Question: In developing sensitivity to friends, we experience two polar states: either you are completely insensitive or, to the contrary, you are very worried and overreact about anything. How can one control this sensitivity?

Answer: I cannot advise anything. Keep going and you will see that you will still come to the correct result. Just continue, every day, so that there is something new in your relationship and in your appeal to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/6/23, “My Heart Is Slain within Me”

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