Audio Version Of The Blog – 8/16/23

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Surrounding Light from the Future

931.01Time is a feeling of lack. Lack stretches time for us; it multiplies seconds like a bargaining chip. Therefore, time can be reduced.

As we unite, we increase the radiance of the surrounding light on us and thus attract the future to us. By influencing our connection, we can influence the light that will be revealed between us. It turns out that we have the ability to change and determine the general state of all reality.

After all, if we rise in our connection at all levels: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human, then everything turns out to be in our hands and in the end depends only on our unification.

The surrounding light is the light that shines around the soul and is waiting for it to be able to clothe itself in it in proportion to the connection that has arisen between the parts of the soul. And then the future turns into the present, into the inner light.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/6/23, Writings of Rabash “Three Times in the Work”

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Light From The Future
The Beckoning Light Of The Future
Sweet Suffering Of Love


528.04Question: What does it mean to work for the Creator? Is it when we work on overcoming rejection and disagreement, annul ourselves, and experience a state of lowliness from this?

Answer: It is necessary to overcome rejection only in the connection between us and not individually. It will not do anything. It is only in the connection. This is called overcoming.

Question: Is it when the ten connects and asks the Creator?

Answer: At least a few people from the ten.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 8/1/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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Steps Of Overcoming
To Victory Over Egoism
That Elusive “Faith Above Reason”

Bill Gates: “Take a Break when You Need To”

626Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said during a speech that he wished he had discovered the importance of work-life balance years ago. 

Speaking at a Northern Arizona University (NAU) commencement ceremony Saturday, Gates told the graduating class that during his early days at Microsoft, he didn’t believe in taking vacation days or having weekends off, noting that he used to keep track of employees who would leave early or stay late. 

“But as I got older — and especially once I became a father — I realized there is more to life than work,” Gates said during his commencement speech. “Don’t wait as long as I did to learn this lesson. Take time to nurture your relationships, to celebrate your successes, and to recover from your losses.”

“Take a break when you need to,” Gates added. “Take it easy on the people around you when they need it, too.”

Gates also encouraged the graduating class to live in the moment and “have some fun,” adding in his speech that what they are currently doing right now won’t impact their future  (The Hill).

Question: What is this message to students—take a break when you need to? How do you feel about this?

Answer: It means spending more time on creativity. Because if you bury yourself in work, you will not be able to give your brain, yourself, and your thoughts a creative direction.

A creative person should live by absorbing from the air, from the environment, from something that is not simple mechanical work with effort. He should be free, as creative intellectuals have always lived in general.

Comment: That is, the rest itself, even when you walk through the forest and it is a rest on the one hand, on the other hand, it is work.

My Response: Creativity. Of course.

Question: Do you completely agree with him?

Answer: He speaks correctly. A creative person should be free. Otherwise, he will not invent anything and will not give movement, an impetus to progress.

Question: What if we translate this to education, to children? A school that is based on homework, on coming to the blackboard and giving answers: “Tell me what you did at home.” And so on, and so on. If that is all, do you think, it does not prepare creativity?

Answer: It trains technicians who can work, calculate, and do something, but they will not have creative spurts.

Question: So, you are for the formula of creativity. Is it possible to bring everyone to this formula?

Answer: I think that it is possible. Especially since from our time and onward, the period of humanity’s development in the direction of creativity begins. We will see less and less production and more and more of those who work at a level above production.

Question: Are you saying that creativity is inherent to almost every person?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Why? How did they place this point of creativity into us from above?

Answer: So that we express more what is characteristic of a person, not a machine, not a beast, and so on.

Question: So, if we see that a person has resigned himself to mechanical work, does it mean that he has not found this point in himself?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Does it exist in him?

Answer: It is there. Maybe he is looking for it, but it has not been revealed yet. Therefore, he has to do or chooses to do mechanical work. Maybe it helps him, it organizes his thoughts somehow.

Question: Do you think every person should look for this point in themselves?

Answer: I think that if a person has the right inner attitude, he will come to this.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/8/23

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We Have to Go through the Bottom

051Sometimes I imagine the following scene: we come to heaven, and God comes to everyone and asks, “what did you think?”, and I answer: “What do I think about what? I am a sinner Lord, please have mercy on me.”

But He will interrupt me and say: “Yes I already know that. How do you like the Earth?” “What are you talking about, Lord?” l ask. And He says: “I created the Earth. What do you think about it? Did you like it? Did you see what kind of fish I invented? What about my volcanoes? And the jungle? I spent so much time on waterfalls! And whales are so beautiful! Well, tell me, what did you like the most?”

I am very afraid that I will stand and blink my eyes and say, “Well I just did not have time. I worked a lot. Then the family, the kids, the annual report, and the car loan. But I wanted to, God; I wanted to. I am a sinner, Lord, please have mercy on me.” Then he says, “You are not a sinner, but stupid. There will not be a second chance” (Source Unknown).

Question: will there be a second chance?

My Response: We always think there will be.

Question: This is why we live life as if we have a second chance. Is that right?

Answer: Partly, yes. Partly, but why? Maybe this time we were already living in a second chance, or in a third one, or in some other one.

Comment: Yes, we do not know this.

My Response: What can we do? Therefore, it is best to rely on God and think about how to correct what we can now.

Comment: This scenario shows that we do not see that everything is created by Him and how beautiful it all is. We do not see this due to our running around, the annual reports, and all this other fuss.

My Response: Yes, naturally.

Question: To see this, what do we need?

Answer: Wow! To do this you need to see the world. To see the world before you, the entire world, its interconnections, and its harmony. The most important thing is how the upper force of the Creator is clothed into it.

Comment: If only it were revealed!

My Response: If it were, there would be no freewill. I would just be tied up by this, bound hand and foot, and I would have nothing left.

Comment: But you keep saying that we have to come to this harmony one way or another.

My Response: We must come to this harmony because we choose it ourselves, we search for it ourselves, and we ourselves want to somehow mold it from our various impressions.

Question: Does it mean that, in any case, we have to rise from this bottom, from running around, and the annual reports?

Answer: Absolutely! In principle, we are given a chance to reach this state all the time. But we have to go through the bottom.

Question: What do we have to accomplish in this world? Basically the question is: what do we live for?

Answer: In this world we must succeed in order to feel His entire system, the upper mind, and the will of the Creator, which controls all this.

Question: But do we start with the fact that we absolutely do not feel it?

Answer: We do not feel anything. Then we begin to feel that we are completely confused. There is a period when a person simply does not know why, what for, or how. Then this purpose gradually begins to manifest itself within him, the reason everything is arranged in this way. Based on this purpose, he is as if unwinding his life back to his birth and begins to understand how it all happened.

Question: But this point that arises, the purpose that suddenly appears in all this confusion, has it already been in us or is it being introduced into us in response to our efforts?

Answer: We have everything within us. Absolutely everything! But we need to sort all this out, hold on to the beginning and the end of life, and feel that we have passed it with the help of the Creator, in accordance with His intention.

Question: That is, during our lives, we essentially rake all this garbage inside us? We are raking and raking, until we find this point? Is this a person’s life?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is this garbage all of the other desires and thoughts?

Answer: It is something that was specifically confusing us, so that we would dig in even more and figure it out.

Question: Was it deliberately confusing us and specially given to us?

Answer: Of course.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/17/23

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Above Contradictions

528.01Question: We separate spiritual studies and corporeal activities. What should we do if the confrontation between Kabbalists arises precisely on the corporeal level?

Answer: If a confrontation occurs between people who are working together, when they are creating something new, then it is right. That is how it should be.

If it happens at the usual everyday level when they are for example writing a book together and are in contradiction with each other, they can fight. But this fight is creative and does not interfere with their spiritual connection.

In all other cases, there can be no contradictions. As it is said: “Counters’ envy increases wisdom.” This is natural. This was written 3,000 years ago in the sayings of King Solomon.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Ruthless People” 9/17/11

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Harmony Is A Balance Of Contradictions
Do Not Contradict the Creator
A Contradiction That Brings Balance

Kabbalistic Calendar

740.01Question: Kabbalists of the past created a calendar for 6,000 years. How could they calculate this time?

Answer: Everything that happens in our world is performed under the influence of the upper world. Zeir Anpin of the world of Atzilut, which influences us, consists of six parts: Hesed, Gevura, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod. Each of them must project a thousand-year development in our world from the first attainment of the upper world to the last, final one.

The count of the calendar starts from the spiritual birth of Adam HaRishon. It is said that it happened when he was 37 years old. Basically, that does not matter. He was the first to attain the upper world and is therefore called the first man, Adam HaRishon. After him, other Kabbalists began to attain spirituality.

From the first revelation to the last final attainment, the influence of the six degrees of Zeir Anpin must pass, each of which consists of 1,000, that is, it increases a thousandfold because Zeir Anpin must ascend to the level of Arich Anpin.

As a result, all 6,000 degrees must influence our world. When this happens, each of them turns into an earthly year, and therefore 6,000 years must pass both before a person first reveals the upper state, the full volume of the universe, and before the last one when absolutely all of us reach this level.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Kabbalistic Calendar” 9/3/11

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The Eternal Calendar
A Goal Oriented Calendar
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“Which one do you think is the function of autistic people in the world we live in?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Which one do you think is the function of autistic people in the world we live in?

The human soul is a diverse and multileveled phenomenon.

I understand that there are autism classifications according to various external and internal signs, and the use of tests to determine the phenomenon. However, in my perception of humanity and reality in general, I would not consider autistic people separate from others, because we are all autistic to a certain degree.

In some ways, we are normal, in some ways geniuses, and in some ways stupid, peasants, workers, freemen, masters and servants. In other words, we find everything in everybody in various combinations.

The function of autistic people in the world depends on their incorporation in their respective social environments, because our environment is of primary importance in differentiating each person from others. I think we simply have yet to find the optimal method by which we could connect people classified as autistic with everyone else.

Autism is a social problem of the relationship with the surrounding environment. For instance, if an autistic child is in supportive and encouraging surroundings—a group or friends who organize supportive and encouraging interactions with older children who know how to behave well—then I am sure that it is possible to pull the child out of any state because the influence of the environment, especially on the autistic person, produces an immense effect.

I do not know the medications specialists use, but in my perception and understanding, a supportive and encouraging influence that is goal oriented—not only on a child but on any person—is able to shift the person out of any state. It can make any normal person autistic, and vice versa.

Based on KabTV’s “The Last Generation” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on July 7, 2015. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.
Photo by Ross Sneddon on Unsplash.

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 8/16/23

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “Concerning the Slanderers”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Item 174

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Last Generation”

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Selected Highlights

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