New Trend: “We Are Against Work”

600.02Question: An “Antiwork” movement is gaining popularity. This is in the US where work was the main thing in life. The principles are that work is only a part of life and not the main purpose of existence. How do you relate to this principle?

Answer: This is correct. Was I born, raised, brought up, and educated just to work in some office or factory?

Question: But still, I have to somehow earn money for a living?

Answer: I want to live normally. I am interested in feeling that I live and exist, I want to hear birds and smell flowers.

Question: In principle, when it they say work is only a part of life and not the main purpose of existence, is it implied that a person should find the purpose of his existence?

Answer: Yes. But it is necessary to ensure that the same purpose of existence is at the same time connected in some way with his work so that he finds rest in his work.

Question: So you are looking for such harmony? There should be harmony? Birds, flowers, also work, and family?

Answer: Of course, yes.

Comment: Another antiwork principle is not to do anything redundant to do only what is necessary.

My Response: Exactly.

Question: If we go a little deeper into these principles, what is necessary for a person? And who determines what is necessary?

Answer: This is determined by the upbringing of people. We do not consume more than is necessary in order to live normally and peacefully and to support nature. And for this, there must be consciousness.

Question: So, in principle, if there is such an education, then Bill Gates will get whatever is necessary for him, and the ordinary worker will get whatever is necessary for him, and everyone will be satisfied with what they have received?

Answer: In general, they will receive equally and will be satisfied.

Question: What does equally mean?

Answer: Equally. And what does Bill Gates need? If the principle of education is correct, then he will not take more than he needs.

Question: Another antiwork principle is the rejection of a schedule. An employee does not steal company’s time if he finishes his tasks faster and goes home earlier.

Answer: No. I do not think that is right. The employee must understand that he works for the company, and the company works for him, and everything is interconnected. And therefore, there must be a really serious internal attitude, discipline.

I do not think he should leave sooner, or later, or whatever. It is just that everyone has to think about how we can do our common work. That is all. And do not count the time when you leave, come, and even how much you earn.

Question: So you should not have it in your head that I did the job and immediately went home?

Answer: No.

Question: That is, I think about what else I can do that is necessary for the company?

Answer: If it is necessary! But again, it all comes down to upbringing.

Comment: Rejecting extra work for everyone is another principle.

My Response: Extra work is a horror; it is what kills our world, nature, ecology, whatever you want. If a person did only what was necessary, the world would flourish, everything would be green, birds would sing. Otherwise, we burn everything, kill, and do not see the daylight ourselves.

Question: At what point will all these principles become alive and not remain on paper?

Answer: It depends on people. It depends on when people realize that they must have other fundamental principles in their life.

Question: Which ones?

Answer: I want me, and my children, and everyone around me (because otherwise it is impossible) to be happy.

What do we need for happiness? We need normal food, a friendly environment, an apartment, and some kind of work, which in the end is necessary for society, but nothing more.

When we engage in such a restructuring in the world, then we will feel how flawed we are, and that we need to rebuild ourselves first of all.

Advanced countries should adopt this program for implementation. The world will learn from them.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/6/22

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