Inside a Black Hole

260.01Question: Black holes are known to absorb everything within their gravitational field. Using the most powerful Hubble telescope, astronomers discovered a black hole that has become a mother and given birth to several stars. They describe how black holes give birth to stars. A black hole sucks gas clouds into itself, gas clouds heat up to certain temperatures, connect with plasma streams, and become nurseries for future stars.

In which case does a black hole give birth to a star?

Answer: When there is a clear transition from darkness to light. That is, when it can no longer pull in, but must push out. There must be some pulsation law at work here.

Question: Can this be applied to our world, which everyone seems to compare to a black hole? They say that our world is like a black hole. We live by consuming, exclusively by consuming.

Answer: We ourselves are inside a black hole.

Question: We are inside a black hole ourselves. In what case can we give birth to something like light or stars?

Answer: It is only possible with different qualities, not the ones we have now.

Question: Meaning, there are properties of a black hole in us? We resemble it, right?

Answer: Yes, we resemble a black hole. We absorb everything into ourselves.

Question: In what case can we not absorb, but give?

Answer: To do this, we must change our nature from taking to giving.

Question: That is, like a star born out of a black hole, can we give birth to something like light if we transform ourselves? How do we transform and give birth?

Answer: First, we need to realize that black holes are the basis of all nature. This is a massive force of ego, which pulls everything into itself, sucks it in. And then? We need to understand how we can break out of this black hole.

Question: Would it be painful to realize we are a black hole? Will it be bad for us? Why would we want to break out of this?

Answer: Yes, because the black hole only consumes it therefore cannot develop. It only pulls everything into itself; it has no future.

Question: So it turns out black holes are inside us?

Answer: Black holes are inside us. These are huge egoistic voids that we would like to fill, but we cannot and will not be able to.

Question: And that is what we have to come to?

Answer: When we discover these black holes, that our egoism is a pure black hole, the source and origin of all other black holes at all levels of the world, nature, then we may ask the question: “How can we correct it, complement it, and turn it around somehow?”

Question: Will this mean we are getting ready to give birth?

Answer: Yes, this is the act of birth.

Question: So humanity will conceive in order to give birth?

Answer: It is already happening gradually.

Question: What will we give birth to? In terms of relationships or states, what will we give birth to? What do you call birth?

Answer: I call birth an inverse change from wanting to receive to wanting to give. I realize this way is flawed, so I try to change myself.

Question: And this very attempt is what brings results?

Answer: Of course. Nothing in nature is above human reason, above human desire.

Question: So, we have to want it, is this the point?

Answer: Yes, this is sufficient.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/13/22

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