Audio Version Of The Blog – 1/31/23

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Orange Sun, Orange Sky!

427.01According to statistics, the birth rate is falling sharply in Western countries. That is, in the richest and most developed European countries where there is an opportunity to give children all the benefits, education, and upbringing, people do not want to give birth to children.

It turns out that the world will be growing due to the  population growth in poor countries that do not have the opportunity for a good, normal life.

Since children there will not be able to receive education and all the needed conditions for their development, the world will become increasingly gray and colorless. It will be filled with dim people, without light in their eyes, without any hope of a good life.

The wisdom of Kabbalah warns that the world may even come to a global nuclear war, and who knows what will remain after it. I do not see the world moving toward a good future.

It seems to me that we have gone through a relatively favorable period in the last forty to fifty years, and now the decline has already begun. More and more often there is talk of a global nuclear war, new conflicts, and clashes between countries are flaring up, and they are such that they can destroy the world.

Humanity does not understand itself. We have great forces, powerful weapons, the army, the police, a lot of highly educated people, and teachers at our disposal, and all this does not help to change the world’s population for the better, make the world brighter, and guarantee it a good future so that people are not afraid for their future.

What color would you like to add to this gray, joyless world? I would add to it the colors of the sea, the colors of the sun. It depends only on people to want such a life.

It seems like everyone wants a bright, joyful life, but we do not do anything for it and do not know how to do it like little children who have started a dangerous game and continue it further and further, not suspecting where it will lead them.

It turns out to be a very sad picture, but it is us who create it. We are the ones who start wars and disputes, and we rejoice when our neighbors feel bad. The Earth is able to provide us all with all the benefits, but we are destroying it. There is no good future for such a world.

Although the upper force wishes us all the best, it cannot take away a person’s freedom of choice. If a person is drawn toward evil, then as the great Kabbalist of the twentieth century Baal HaSulam warned, humanity is approaching nuclear war.

Man is given freedom of choice to cover all crimes with love. There is nothing better for people than to love each other. We can do it. Love will make our gray life bright and colorful by adding the color orange  to it—the warm color of the sun.
From KabTV’s “An Inside Look”, 1/15/23

Related Material:
“Higher” Education: How to Raise Happy Children
Women Who Regret Having Children: The Deeper Cause and Solution
If You Don’t Want Children, Return the Money

An Incomplete Person

559Question: We know that Kabbalists always had to have a wife. What is the reason for this?

Answer: Procreation: “Be fruitful and multiply.”

Question: Baal HaSulam, the father of your teacher, Rabash, did not even let him go to the lesson before he got married. Why?

Answer: Because it is considered that if you do not have a wife, you are still an incomplete person.
From KabTV’s “Blitz Questions and Answers” 1/6/23

Related Material:
Why Does A Man Need A Woman?
Why Does A Kabbalist Need A Family?
A Woman Is A Desire

What Is Sacrifice?

608.02Question: In Kabbalah there is a state that everyone who is engaged in spiritual development goes through. It is called sacrifice. What is the essence of this state? What are we sacrificing?

Answer: We sacrifice our egoism, that is, our nature (inanimate, vegetative, and animate), which desires only pleasures, easy life, and success in everything possible.

Our desire for such a life is the innate nature of egoism. And if we want to limit ourselves in it and come to another state where we do not want to use our egoism but, on the contrary, want to move away and not use it, this is called sacrifice.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 1/8/23

Related Material:
Sacrifices That Bring Us Closer To The Creator
The Essence of Sacrifice
The Sacrifices We Make

How Can We Achieve Absolute Balance?

232.08Question: How can you balance the other person?

Answer: You cannot do anything with the other, you can only change yourself, work on yourself, and understand how you can bring a quality that is opposite to the current one into yourself so that these qualities balance each other, and you are between them. It is the existence between these opposite qualities that will be felt as absolute comfort.

The entire work of a Kabbalist is to absorb the whole spectrum of sensations, emotions, qualities, and definitions, and exist between them, because only in the center of this huge collection of forces and qualities is the central point to which we must come, the point of our absolute rest and fulfillment.

One cannot be without the other, just like in physical laws. How can you use only one plus or one minus, the north pole of a magnet without the south one? You have everything built on the use of two opposing forces. Necessarily! Otherwise there is no existence.

But in our world, at the human level, we use only one quality: the egoistic quality of reception without bestowal. Therefore people are special beings, not like the rest of the flora and fauna, since we have only negative egoism without positive balancing.

No matter how we compensate for it, we bring ourselves to a general crisis that shows us the need for an additional second force, a positive one. This force is called bestowal or love. Within it, just as in egoism, there are a huge amount of all kinds of forces, sensations, definitions, and emotions.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Transform Hatred into Love?” 2/4/12

Related Material:
Merging Of Opposites
The Paradigm Of Balance
Harmony Is A Balance Of Contradictions

To Give Birth or Not?

627.1Comment: Nina writes: “The other day, the cat that lives with me gave birth to kittens. A few days later, it killed them. Tell me, please, is this a natural phenomenon among animals? If so, what is its root? Maybe this is a consequence of our terrible behavior?”

My Response: It is quite possible that the cat feels what is happening around, and this is how it acts with its children, with the kittens.

Question: Does it mean that this option is possible?

Answer: It is possible.

Question: So, we do not deny that there is such a natural phenomenon?

Answer: Of course there is. What is a natural phenomenon in us? People do not want to have children. In a way, it is also like a murder that I do not want to give life to another.

Question: That is, I can and I do not want to. Is this what you call practically like a murder?

Answer: How else? I do not want to give life to another.

Question: Why do we have this in us? Why do I not want to?

Answer: Because I do not see any sense in this for myself, for my egoism. Because it will obligate me. This is the first. I do not consider that I can give life and thus correct some other soul, another piece of the world. I do not think about this. I think about myself.

Comment: Going back to the cat, you say that such an option is possible, that the cat feels…

My Response: It feels the environment and thus the hatred that it feels around it transfers to its children and does not want their lives.

Question: What is the conclusion from all this?

Answer: If people correct themselves, animals will be corrected.

I am talking only about changing the attitude of man to man, which is the highest of all natural levels.

The attitude of man to man, man to animal, man to plant, man to earth, and so on—all this is included in the attitude of man to man. If we correct our attitude, then all of nature that is below these levels will be corrected, and everyone will be fine.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/22/22

Related Material:
On the Ruins of a Dream of a Bright Future
Why Give Birth To Children In This Horrible World?!
I’m Sorry I Gave Birth To You

Measured Filling

582.01Kabbalistic methodology is based on questions and answers. What else is there in life? Question and answer, Kli and Ohr, the vessel and the light that fills it, plus or minus, darkness or light, everything around us, and we are made only of these two elements.

Question: New students have a huge number of questions, and they receive many answers. Those who have been studying for a long time can answer some of the questions themselves because they understand what it is about internally, based on the methodology itself, and it makes no sense for them to ask a question.

But how important is a question, and how do we not quench it? After all, the more a person learns, he probably has fewer questions?

Answer: His questions are more subtle, like those of any specialist. They already touch such peaks that are incomprehensible and uninteresting to a simple person. The ordinary person does not understand them, and the specialists are somewhere far away, beyond the clouds.

With a specialist, of course, you talk differently. You can talk to him about some small things, and he sees great pleasure in their disclosure, in their sensation, just like, for example, two biologists talk about some kind of bugs, worms, or systems. This is natural, because for a specialist it is a completely different world.

And beginners come with their eyes wide open. They, like a newborn, need to be given very, very measured filling; otherwise, they will not be able to perceive anything. By the way, this is not easy.

Comment: Sometimes it happens that a person dumps all his experience on a newcomer, and he is simply in shock.

My Response: No. Teachers for beginners take special courses. They know what to do: they have a methodology, books, and manuals on how to teach people, and have experience gained over the years.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. An Answer to Any Question” 1/28/12

Related Material:
A Question Is A Desire For Fulfillment
Giving A Person A Portion Of Light
Teacher And Students

“What are the pros and cons of a 4-day work week?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What are the pros and cons of a 4-day work week?

One of my students told me that 100 companies in the UK recently switched to a permanent four-day work week for their employees without loss of pay, and that they hope to be a vanguard of a major change in work patterns by doing so. Moreover, the student told me that proponents of the four-day week argue that it will make companies improve their productivity with fewer working hours.

The more such an idea gains popularity, the more we will find ourselves questioning why so many companies insist on five or even six-day work weeks with long working hours. However, I think that the cons of the four-day work week would outweigh its pros because people in general do not know how to use their leisure time constructively. That is, if we would give more leisure time to people en masse, then we could expect to see a vast increase of problems in families: more arguments, divorces, problems with the kids, and so on.

Increasing our leisure time without implementing the learning of how to improve our relations would bring about more and more ruptures in our relations.

We thus need connection-enriching learning in order to build balanced lives between our home, family, work and leisure time. That is, we need an overriding purpose and meaning to everything we do, otherwise our engagements will end up tearing away at our relations. If we then set ourselves up to regularly improve our relationships throughout society from one day to the next, we could confidently lessen work hours and give people more time to rest and be with their families.

Based on the video “What Are the Pros and Cons of a 4-Day Work Week?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Oren Levi. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 1/31/23

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Zohar for All “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” “On the Night of the Bride,” Item 151 

[media 3] [media 4]

Selected Highlights

[media 5] [media 6]

Audio Version Of The Blog – 1/30/23

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