Orange Sun, Orange Sky!

427.01According to statistics, the birth rate is falling sharply in Western countries. That is, in the richest and most developed European countries where there is an opportunity to give children all the benefits, education, and upbringing, people do not want to give birth to children.

It turns out that the world will be growing due to the  population growth in poor countries that do not have the opportunity for a good, normal life.

Since children there will not be able to receive education and all the needed conditions for their development, the world will become increasingly gray and colorless. It will be filled with dim people, without light in their eyes, without any hope of a good life.

The wisdom of Kabbalah warns that the world may even come to a global nuclear war, and who knows what will remain after it. I do not see the world moving toward a good future.

It seems to me that we have gone through a relatively favorable period in the last forty to fifty years, and now the decline has already begun. More and more often there is talk of a global nuclear war, new conflicts, and clashes between countries are flaring up, and they are such that they can destroy the world.

Humanity does not understand itself. We have great forces, powerful weapons, the army, the police, a lot of highly educated people, and teachers at our disposal, and all this does not help to change the world’s population for the better, make the world brighter, and guarantee it a good future so that people are not afraid for their future.

What color would you like to add to this gray, joyless world? I would add to it the colors of the sea, the colors of the sun. It depends only on people to want such a life.

It seems like everyone wants a bright, joyful life, but we do not do anything for it and do not know how to do it like little children who have started a dangerous game and continue it further and further, not suspecting where it will lead them.

It turns out to be a very sad picture, but it is us who create it. We are the ones who start wars and disputes, and we rejoice when our neighbors feel bad. The Earth is able to provide us all with all the benefits, but we are destroying it. There is no good future for such a world.

Although the upper force wishes us all the best, it cannot take away a person’s freedom of choice. If a person is drawn toward evil, then as the great Kabbalist of the twentieth century Baal HaSulam warned, humanity is approaching nuclear war.

Man is given freedom of choice to cover all crimes with love. There is nothing better for people than to love each other. We can do it. Love will make our gray life bright and colorful by adding the color orange  to it—the warm color of the sun.
From KabTV’s “An Inside Look”, 1/15/23

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