Audio Version Of The Blog – 1/16/23

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Time or Movement?

760.2Comment: According to Kabbalah, time is the distance between cause and effect. The cause is man’s desire to enjoy. Without it, I do not perform any action. The effect is a direct filling, that is, reception.

After I perform some action and wait until I receive pleasure, a phenomenon called time appears. If my action brought me momentary pleasure, then there would be no time.

Even in our world there are such states. For example, in childhood when a child is playing soccer, time does not exist for him because at that moment he is enjoying it. If I go to work, earn some money, and wait until I get it and enjoy myself as a result, then time stretches.

My Response: Yes. Time is a purely psychological concept, and it does not exist as such.

The fact that we see all kinds of movement around us in nature and measure time by it has nothing to do with time. It has to do with movement. Movement or time are things that are not connected with each other. This is a special merit of Einstein that he demonstrated this to everyone.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 12/25/22

Related Material:
Time Depends On Us
Going Beyond The Limits Of Time
Time Is The Intensity Of Actions

A Major Illness Is Not a Sentence

627.2Question: A woman fell into a coma after an accident. The doctors said there was virtually no hope, that it might last a long time, maybe forever. For a while, her children and relatives were nearby, hoping for a miracle. As time went by, they lost faith and slowly disappeared. Only her husband stayed by her side and spoke to her all the time. After 11 months, she came out of the coma. The first thing she said to her husband was: “Thank you for being here with me and telling me these wonderful stories.”

What does a person hear with?

Answer: Clearly not with one’s ears. The vibrations that he and she feel is what they transmit to each other. There is such a resonance.

Question: So, he practically resuscitated her?

Answer: Yes, of course.

Question: Was it stronger than all the medical interventions? She must have been undergoing treatment.

Answer: Naturally.

Question: Can you hold a person this way if you focus on it?

Answer: I cannot say yes and always, but, as you can see…

Question: So you believe this story?

Answer: Undoubtedly. This may well be so.

Question: Can we conclude that we should never lose faith in our material insights?

Answer: As long as a person is in a comatose state, in a coma, we must of course make every effort to stay connected with him and keep awakening all kinds of responses in him.

Question: Where does a person, in this case the husband, get the strength
when he sees that in front of him is just a vegetative state? The person is not moving. Where did he get the strength to keep talking this way?

Answer: Out of nowhere. It was sent from above, that is all. He did not have it in him.

Question: So, he does not have such a steadfast faith?

Answer: No. It can happen to any person; he was cued from above, he acted on it, and it worked.

Question: Can we say that this was a result of his feelings for his wife? Can we say that love has something to do with it?

Answer: It is not necessarily what he felt before. It does not matter at all. It could be that at the very moment she was in that state something suddenly clicked inside him.

Question: And he carried her? As if holding her in his arms the whole time?

Answer: Yes. Was it 11 months?

Question: Yes. Doesn’t it shock you that she heard everything?

Answer: No, it does not shock me. Many people in a comatose state report knowing,
hearing, seeing, and so on.

Question: Can we conclude that where medicine fails strong spirit arises?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Can this be said even about diseases for which there is no cure?

Answer: It is true with any condition. In any state, as long as a person is still alive, you cannot lose hope, and you need to talk to him. To him and to the Creator.

Question: Was this a conversation with the Creator or not?

Answer: No, I think it was an ordinary person. But he really wanted this. There must have been something there, of course.

Question: But the Creator was present in all this?

Answer: Yes. Because this was an unusual situation.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/1/22

Related Material:
How Not To Become A Burden For Loved Ones
Treatment With The Meaning Of Life
Five Postulates Of Healing

The Inevitability of Realizing the Thought of Nature

933Question: At which point in history did the Jews lose any sense of spirituality?

Answer: I think they had it until the 18th century. Then they completely lost it. Only a few knew about it and the rest did not. Baal Shem Tov tried to revive it, but only to the extent that it worked out. Then, closer to our time, spirituality completely disappeared from their sensations.

Question: You live in a country for which the Jews fought for a long time, and from which they were expelled. Can the past sense of spirituality wake up in those who now live here?

Answer: They will have to wake up! It does not matter in which way, but in the end they will still wake up.

I am not talking about what will happen between now and the moment they wake up. Maybe decades will pass during which they will need to go through all sorts of metamorphoses, but they must come together in the same way as they were in the past—as one man with one heart in a state of mutual guarantee, not only them, but all people in the world who feel the same need and understand that it is necessary.

All these people together will become the brain, the mind of humanity, which will lead all the rest, and will begin to shape them, invigorate, and enlighten them toward universal guarantee, until they reach “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

People are still obliged to come to this, otherwise they will not reach similarity with nature and they will lead themselves to destruction.

The law will still be observed, and the thought of the upper force will have to be realized; there is no doubt about it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What to Expect from the Jews?” 1/21/12

Related Material:
The Primary Responsibility of the People of Israel
Striving for Good Connection
Why Did We Come To The Land Of Israel?

Salvation or Correction?

283.01Comment: The group requires absolute compliance to its rules and discipline, as this is the only way to salvation, is given and a characteristic of cults.

My Response: What does the way to salvation mean? We are not talking about salvation. We are talking about correction. In ordinary society, there is a salvation army or rescue from drowning. We, however, do not have such a word. We have correction.

Humanity must correct itself and get rid of its ego, then it will come to a good life. Until then, its ego itself will be “pushing it with a stick” to happiness.

We talk about it everywhere. By the way, the Torah and all religions talk about this. They all agree that “Love your neighbor as yourself” is the main slogan of humanity. They just do not implement it. Kabbalah shows us how it can be implemented.

A cult is a closed organization with a clear, strict, and secret statute, which very cautiously lets people in and does not let anyone out. It has special norms of behavior associated with mysticism and some physical actions, like when people make self-sacrifice or self-restraint, etc.

There is absolutely no such thing in the Kabbalistic group. Everything is only within yourself and only regarding a friend, and then regarding the world with absolute kindness and love.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Kabbalah about Cults” 12/18/13

Related Material:
Fanaticism or Attainment?
Kabbalah Is Not A Sect
True Religion And The Religion Of Exile

Freedom from Yourself

962.1Comment: During a lesson you said that it is wonderful when you do not have calculations with yourself.

My Response: Calculations should be only in relation to the group and in relation to humanity. What calculations can there be with yourself? This is included in the same system of deception, as if I exist, but no one exists except the Creator.

We create one single common Kli, Malchut, which must feel Him. Therefore, I have no personality. I am only an auxiliary element serving the global soul.

Question: A person does everything based on what is beneficial to him: “This is beneficial to me, and this is not.” Does a Kabbalist do the opposite: “How wonderful that I am not doing this for my own sake”?

Answer: Of course, a Kabbalist rejoices that he does everything for the sake of the Creator. Therefore, it is very important to tune ourselves up here. If your friends around you will think like that and go forward like that, what can be better than this?!

We must try to methodically, calmly, and gradually tune ourselves like an instrument. Months pass, maybe even several years, but all this time you should be making attempts to attune yourself.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Freedom from Myself” 2/15/14

Related Material:
Pharaoh’s Slave Or The Creator’s Servant
Overthrowing The Old Foolish King
Apparently I Am A Slave Of Pharaoh

When Did the Point in the Heart Originate?

115.06Question: Can you briefly explain the benefits of egoism? How did it lead us, and to what stage did we reach where it already became poison for us? Has it been helpful all this time?

Answer: Since ancient Babylon, egoism had to be remade. Abraham called for this, but no one could hear him then because there was no point in the heart in people. It wasn’t that it didn’t wake up, it wasn’t in them. It manifested itself only in a certain number of people, in those 10,000 to 20,000 Abraham took away from Babylon.

I give such figures because the great 12th century Kabbalist and philosopher Rambam, a researcher of the era of Abraham, writes in his writings that tens of thousands of people left Babylon with Abraham.

Abraham wanted to correct everyone, but it did not work out because only a few had the primordial point in the heart, the desire to rise above the corporeal level of existence.

We can say that initially it originated in only one person, Adam, and then through him it began to spread like a virus to others. For 20 generations it reached such a state where in Babylon, under Abraham, tens of thousands of people were infected with this spiritual virus. They joined Abraham and he led them away from Babylon. The rest of the Babylonians were left without this point.

As Abraham’s group was isolated from everyone, they developed it in themselves first under his leadership and then under the leadership of Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Joseph, and David.

This continued until the destruction of the Second Temple when they completely fell into the same state as all the other Babylonians who had spread and multiplied all over the world by that time.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Evolution of Humanity” 11/16/13

Related Material:
“Aliens” From Ancient Babel
What Is Darkness For The Ego Is Light For Me
Everything Is Mixed With The Desires Of Humanity

“Is there a risk of famine today? Why or why not?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Is there a risk of famine today? Why or why not?

One of my students asked me about the possibility of global famine, citing a report where almost 90 percent of international food security and nutrition experts surveyed predicted that “without innovation and bold action, global hunger would continue to rise over the next decade.” It is indeed possible, and ancient Kabbalistic sources also state that in our era, we can reach states as horrible as mothers eating their own children. That is how severe it can become.

However, we should not relate to the idea of an impending famine simply in order to fill our storages and our barns with supplies. The fact that we can consider such terrible scenarios is in order for us to seriously concern ourselves with how to avoid such states in advance, and to learn about and deal with the base cause that brings about such crises.

If we investigate the core reason behind not just famine but any crisis that befalls us, then we will find that it is all due to imbalance in human relations, the fact that we are not behaving toward each other the way we should.

How should we behave toward each other?

We need to reach mutual understanding among each other, to establish ties that would help us reach a balanced state. Today, we are doing the contrary, regressing and thus rocking the boat we all share. The world thus naturally heads toward periods of famine and destruction.

The destruction that we can bring upon ourselves should very much frighten us so that we would change our attitudes to each other, and by doing so, change the world. That is the sole reason we can consider impending famine and other crises, and it is also the reason for our experience of crises and suffering in general: to bring about a shift in how we relate to each other, from negative to positive, egoistic to altruistic, and apathetic to mutually responsible.

What could be the catalyst for such a transformation?

I believe that there should be a leader that initiates and promotes it. Our world is tough without someone that human society would accept as their leader and follow, one who would discuss unification and how we could overcome famine and other crises. Of course, it would only work if people would listen to such a leader, and famine would emerge to open our ears to such a person.

Then, after a period of famine, we would be different. We would hold a different attitude to life and to its values. We would no longer underestimate the vast importance of our survival and what it means for us to survive in today’s trying times.

While there have been periods of great famine, wars and other crises in the past, today is fundamentally different because our current era is preparing us for mass awareness of the evil of our egoistic relations, which will spur in us the desire to change ourselves. In the wisdom of Kabbalah, such an awakening is called “the recognition of evil.” It takes an enormous amount of suffering for us to reach a state where we can sense our own nature as evil, to define it as such and to draw the necessary conclusions: that we need to put an end to our rat race of individuals competing against each other for material well-being, and shift to new positively-connected relations where we seek to benefit each other and nature, feeling ourselves as parts of an interdependent and interconnected whole where we each affect one another. We are still not there yet, but that time is nearing.

Based on the video “Is the World in Danger of Impending Famine?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Semion Vinokur. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 1/16/23

Preparation to the Lesson

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Zohar for All “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” “Two Points” 

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Writings of Baal HaSulam “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” Item 57

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Selected Highlights

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