Audio Version Of The Blog – 1/25/23

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Decision of Malchut

253Then the light was emptied from the entire place, meaning from all four degrees that exist in the place. Even though she diminished her desire only from phase four, it is the nature of the spiritual that it is indivisible (Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, Part 1, “Inner Observation,” Chapter 7, Item 27).

Question: What does it mean that the spiritual is indivisible?

Answer: If you admit that you have reached the incorrect state, then all the previous states that led you to this also have no right to remain.

Afterwards, he re-extended a line of light from the first three phases, and phase four remained a vacant space.

The fourth phase (Malchut) decided not to be the way the light originally created it. Therefore, there is a prohibition on it to receive light and to change under its influence. As a result, the light again extended through the three previous phases, and the fourth one became different.

Malchut makes a restriction on itself; meaning, it does not want to remain the same as before, but only wants to receive, but not for itself. Thus, the fourth phase completely changes the meaning of the development of creation. This is already a conscious creation that does not want to receive pleasure for its own sake, but wants to become similar to the upper force, to the light.

Question: Can we say that freedom of choice is happening here for the first time?

Answer: Yes, we can. But basically, the desire, being in the state it so far is, has no other choice, it is obliged to act in this way. This is not yet the creation of our world and not real freedom of choice.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 1/1/23

Related Material:
The Most Important Decision
The Four Stages Of The Development Of The Desire
Between Malchut and Bina

A Person and Fate

760.1Question: Does a person have a fate?

Answer: Yes, he does.

Question: What is fate?

Answer: Fate is what is predetermined.

Question: Does it mean that somewhere something is written about each person? To what degree of detail?

Answer: It depends on the person himself. There are people who are born, go to school, then to work, and then to the cemetery.

And there are people for whom all these change very often. It is not clear why this is one way for some, and the other way for others. It depends on the inner structure of the soul.
From KabTV’s “Blitz Questions and Answers” 1/6/23

Related Material:
Kabbalah—A Method Of Changing One’s Fate
How Can You Affect Your Fate?
Karma Or Spiritual Development

What Can We Influence?

294.1Question: If all states Malchut must go through are predetermined and we are parts of this Malchut, meaning, this desire, what can we influence? Do we only feel it and that is it?

Answer: No. We are part of Malchut that can change everything. We cannot only change these states but also their purpose. In other words, we are not able to change the laws of creation, but we can change their result.

Question: But if there is something that is planned out up to the end of correction and these states already exist in potential, can I change them? I can only feel them. These states should pass through me and that is it.

Answer: Yes, that is correct. We cannot really change either our path or our goal. They are predetermined. But each moment we can check ourselves whether we are on this path, if we can accelerate it, whether we agree with the path of our development, and so on.

We can change ourselves, our attitude to what is happening, but not what is really happening.

Question: So, if the program has, for example, World War III in it, then it will happen and I can only change my attitude to it?

Answer: No, we can change the course of history itself.

Comment: This is confusing if all states are predetermined.

My Response: All states are predetermined, but we can change them because we can come to them in many possible manners and ways.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 1/1/23

Related Material:
Influencing Events
Responding To The Call Of The Creator
Ahead Of The Blows Of Fate

Is It Possible to Change the Future?

760.5Question: The past is always open and unchangeable. And the future, on the contrary, is closed, unknown, and variable. Do you agree with this statement?

Answer: I believe that both the past and the future, and, in general, time exists only in us.

Psychological, internal changes take place in us, which each time draw us a new perception of the world around us, although it does not change at all. We live in absolute full light, such a force that constantly affects us evenly.

But we are changing, and therefore the feeling of smooth, endless, calm light changes in us.

Question: But the future can somehow be changed?

Answer: There is nothing to change! There is only one even light in which we are created. We change according to our inner feelings, and in accordance with this we feel the picture of the changing world.

Therefore, we can only influence ourselves to change in a more objective way.

Question: It turns out that the future has several options. If I do not change myself, I will feel the future in one way, and if I change, then in a different way?

Answer: Yes. But it is you.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 12/25/22

Related Material:
A Brief Moment Between Past And Future
Live Not In The Past, But In Anticipation Of The Future
Liberation From The Shackles Of Time

For the Sake of Coming Closer to the Creator

237Question: You say that we sacrifice our egoism for the sake of coming closer to the Creator. How can we understand the phrase “For the sake of coming closer to the Creator”?

Answer: Since the Creator is absolutely good and does only good and a person is absolutely evil, if we limit our evil, we are already getting closer to the Creator in some way and becoming similar to Him. This is the sacrifice.

That is, I sacrifice my egoism, my evil habits, and this brings me closer to the Creator. By restricting my egoism and not applying it to use others for my own sake, I, in this way, come closer to Him.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 1/8/23

Related Material:
Bringing A Sacrifice Is Getting Closer To The Creator
Sacrifices That Bring Us Closer To The Creator
How Can We Get Closer To The Creator?

Why Can There Be No Love Without Hate?

543.02Question: Why can there be no love without hate?

Answer: On the basis of what would love arise? What kind of love can there be if there is no rejection? Above what will it be manifested?

Any of our qualities, feelings, and sensations of life, ourselves, and others are born above something. Above something! Since egoism is our main quality, then love is born above it.

Egoism is the main quality, and love is the main opposite quality.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Transform Hate into Love?” 2/11/12

Related Material:
Both Love And Hate
There Is No Love Without Hate
Love Always Rises Above Hate

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 1/25/23

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Zohar for All “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” “On the Night of the Bride,” Item 131

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” Item 70

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights

[media 7] [media 8]

“Why do we tend to trust some people over others?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Why do we tend to trust some people over others?

We trust some people over others because we have no choice but to trust them.

Take babies for instance. Babies trust no one. Babies do not want to know anyone besides their mothers, and to cleave to their mothers. To the extent in which the babies grow up and get to know their environment, from their crib to their room, to their entire home, and perhaps their backyard, then these babies somewhat develop trust toward people in these familiar surroundings to the extent of their familiarity with them. Babies then approach those who are closer and more familiar, and stay away from others who are unfamiliar. In other words, trust is a trait that we need to acquire.

Then, to the extent in which we gain familiarity with our environment, our society, the surrounding world—determining who is closer and further away from us—we accordingly develop trust in certain people.

We can also see such examples in animals. There are animals that we have domesticated over the course of history, such as cats and dogs, which we have established a certain amount of trust with. We know that we likely cannot raise a lion at home, but we have developed a level of trust in some animals over time—where the animals trust us to a certain extent, and we trust them—and then we can take their offspring and begin to develop a kind of relationship according to the degree of trust that we have established.

Based on the video “Why Do We Tend to Trust Some People Over Others?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.