Freedom from Yourself

962.1Comment: During a lesson you said that it is wonderful when you do not have calculations with yourself.

My Response: Calculations should be only in relation to the group and in relation to humanity. What calculations can there be with yourself? This is included in the same system of deception, as if I exist, but no one exists except the Creator.

We create one single common Kli, Malchut, which must feel Him. Therefore, I have no personality. I am only an auxiliary element serving the global soul.

Question: A person does everything based on what is beneficial to him: “This is beneficial to me, and this is not.” Does a Kabbalist do the opposite: “How wonderful that I am not doing this for my own sake”?

Answer: Of course, a Kabbalist rejoices that he does everything for the sake of the Creator. Therefore, it is very important to tune ourselves up here. If your friends around you will think like that and go forward like that, what can be better than this?!

We must try to methodically, calmly, and gradually tune ourselves like an instrument. Months pass, maybe even several years, but all this time you should be making attempts to attune yourself.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Freedom from Myself” 2/15/14

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