Audio Version Of The Blog – 2/20/23

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The Force that Determines the Form of the World

509Spiritual movement means a new change of form. We should still explain the meaning of time and movement that we come across in almost every word in this wisdom.

Indeed, you should know that spiritual movement is not like tangible movement from place to place. Rather, it refers to a new form. We denominate every new form by the title “movement.” exactly like a corporeal being that some part departed from it and moves about from place to place. Hence, the new form is called “movement” (Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, “Inner Observation,” Chapter 9, Item 33).

We are talking about the force that determines the form of the existing world. It changes all the time, and therefore, the world is changing and so are we in this world. But it is almost impossible to explain how this happens since the very essence of the existing matter is changing, not physically but spiritually.

In spiritual matter, desires change as the basis of its existence. The meaning and the purpose of the matter is changing, and thus we feel only the consequence of this.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 2/12/23

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By Order of the Upper Mind

 Question: Cinematography was introduced in the early 1900s. What did it give to humanity?

Answer: All inventions of humanity are carried out by order from above, from the general global mind, the Creator, who leads us with the general control signals of nature from top to bottom to ever greater integration, globalization, mutual complementation, mutual guarantee, and connection.

Therefore, along the way we develop ideas, which seem to come to our mind, that help us achieve greater communication with each other. This is what causes all our actions.

They may even seem to be leading us not straight to connection, but in a completely different direction. This happens in order to reveal minus from plus and plus from minus. Any human action, no matter how positive or negative it seems to us, leads only to universal globalization, dependence, integration, and mutual guarantee.

We are moving toward a state in which we will not be able to feed ourselves, keep ourselves warm, or clothe ourselves unless we are completely connected by absolute unity. And when we discover this connection, we will not be able to manage it. How can I manage billions of connections all over the world at the same time?

This is what communists found out when they discovered that by governing the state according to the system in which everything is dictated from the top down—to whom, how much, where to be delivered, how, and by whom to be transferred—they got such a complex machine that could not be processed by any computer, especially at that time.

Nowadays we see that we are also not coping, that all this is a single continuous disorder and nothing more. How can we manage such an economy? Anyway, humanity has come to this question because the integral connection leads us to it.

And it really does not matter who invented cinematography or the Internet. Everything happens according to the upper plan: to bring us to the general unification where we feel the need to attain the upper single mind and desire because otherwise, we cannot exist. This will be the real internet.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Invention of Cinema” 2/11/12

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How to Pick a Winning Ticket

023Question: There is a well-known parable about a man who prays to God every day to help him win a lot of money in the lottery. Finally, God could not stand it, opened a window in heaven, and shouted to the man: “Listen, I’m willing to help you, but you at least have to buy a lottery ticket.”

It turns out that we want to be happy in this life, to win, but we don’t even buy the lottery ticket. We are doing something wrong. We are wasting our energy in the wrong place.

Tell me where and how? How do I buy this winning lottery ticket?

Answer: You should plead, attempt, and work on getting closer to mutual love for each other. There is no other way.

Question: Do we waste energy buying other tickets?

Answer: We invest in all kinds of things. Of course, we cannot be in this nature of love and mutual dependence. But we can ask for it. Open not even a window but a small crack, and shout into it that you want to love others.

Question: Is this buying a ticket?

Answer: Yes.

Question: When you buy a ticket, you pay for it. What is our payment here?

Answer: Being ready to strive for love for everyone.

Question: Is this what is required of us? Is this the winning ticket?

Answer: Yes, only this.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman.” 1/26/23

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How To Live on A Shaking Planet?

931.01We should transfer the external earthquake into an internal shaking of the heart, that is, we should feel that everything depends on us, and this is how we will be able to correct them. If we all connect together, we will calm all the earthquakes, the earth will not be able to shake.

An earthquake occurs when tectonic plates shift relative to each other because breakage occurs between them and there is no connection. But if we humans connect with each other, then the entire earth will connect and become stable. There will be no more shocks. Otherwise, we will end up on a planet that is shaking all over.

We just need to get closer to each other with our hearts, nothing else is required. Bringing hearts closer together is what will correct the world.

To come to the congress with an open heart means to be ready to take into your heart every friend from every corner of the earth from where he came, as well as all those who for various reasons could not come. My heart is ready to accommodate everyone, and in the end, all of humanity.

The heart of every person is able to accommodate the whole world. When we hold the whole world in our embrace, it will not be able to be shaken by earthquakes or suffer from epidemics and natural disasters. Everything will be fine.

If we want to connect all our desires and all intentions together and direct them to one Creator, to one source, then we bring our world into a stable state. There will be no unpleasant shifts in it, and everything will move only to an even greater balance, smoothly, carefully, and slowly. We will live in a peaceful world. We can do it.

Everything depends on the person, but only when all of humanity will be like one person, and not billions of people, each of whom is pulling in his own direction.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/13/23, Zohar for All “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” “Reinforcing Ourselves with There Is None Else Besides Him”

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How Can Earthquakes Be Stopped?
Power Of Thought And Solving Problems
Everything Is Corrected By The Upper Light

Simple Game

934Question: In this world, in this illusion, we are given the opportunity to connect together. By playing in connection with each other, do we thereby correct the spiritual?

Answer: In playing with unity, we call upon ourselves the surrounding light to the extent of its similarity, like children who play and thereby call upon ourselves a special force that develops them. This force exists in nature. If a child does not try to play, to do something, he or she does not develop.

The same thing happens to us according to the same principle. There is nothing supernatural here.

We are trying to unite, but we do it consciously. We know that we must call a higher power upon ourselves and we use all kinds of advice from Kabbalists for how to do this most effectively. Therefore, a group of ten people comes together with a certain intention and discusses those topics that bring us closer to the power of the light.

This is the light of reason, the light that fills us, and from which it becomes warm inside. This is how we operate.

You can call it a ritual, how the ancient priests caused some kind of phenomena, it does not matter. The main thing is that our actions should be aimed at challenging the positive force of nature, which immediately affects us and gradually, step by step, begins to purposefully change.

These actions become vital for you, because thanks to them you change, and it happens absolutely clearly. You feel how from time to time completely different realizations occur in you, an understanding of what is happening, and your relationship with other people, with the forces of nature. Moreover, you yourself begin to influence this force, attract it quite intensively, and change faster than all other people because they do not use this opportunity. This is what Kabbalah gives us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The World of Liars” 5/19/12

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Kabbalistic Geography

746.02Question: There is an area in Kabbalah called Kabbalistic geography. What is it?

Answer: Kabbalistic geography is not only the geo-science of the Earth and the consequences that the upper forces cause on Earth. It includes the study of our world, our universe, as a mold from the next, upper world. After all, from that degree, forces descend into our world that determine all corporeal parts: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human levels and their interaction with each other.

Moreover, a huge number of forces are occupied by inanimate nature: an infinite number of stars, galaxies, planets, nebulae, and other celestial bodies. But, despite the quantity of these forces, their quality is scanty in comparison with the vegetative and animate nature that exists on Earth, and even more so with the level of “Human.”

That is, as more qualitative forces appear in our world from the spiritual world, their quantity in our world decreases accordingly, but their quality increases.

If we go further in this quantitative and qualitative influence and the similarity of the upper world to our world, then we can say that all the countries of the world, all the imprints on the surface of the Earth, are Kabbalistic geography, that is, they are the result of the influence of upper forces on our Earth, on its surface.

Everything that determines ecology, geography, topography on the Earth, and not only on it, but also underground to its center, everything that surrounds our Earth, all this is a consequence of these upper forces.

But the most interesting thing is that it relates to a person. Therefore, in Kabbalah, we study more about the connection between the Earth, its geography (climate and all kinds of geographical features) and those peoples who live on it, and from generation to generation moved by various means: either wars, or the discovery of lands, and so on.

As a result, the most interesting thing is, of course, the development of the people of Israel, since this ancient Babylonian group, practically a part of all humanity, carries the method of correcting it, raising it back to the upper level, from where all the forces that form our universe descend.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalistic Geography” 12/27/10

Related Material:
According To The Projection Of Spiritual Forces
Spiritual Geography, Part 2
The Spiritual Roots Of Nations And Peoples

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 2/20/23

Preparation to the Lesson

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Lesson on the Topic” “Preparation for Opening the Heart at the Convention”

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Selected Highlights

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“Where did all the antisemitism come from in the first place?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Where did all the antisemitism come from in the first place?

Antisemitism lives in the foundations of human society and human nature. The human ego—the desire to enjoy at the expense of others and nature—evolves throughout history and during a person’s life. The more it grows, the more it feels an opposite force also dwelling within. That opposite force is called a “point in the heart.” Contrary to our egoistic desires that wish solely to absorb pleasures into themselves, the point in the heart is a desire that has potential to develop into a desire that loves, gives and positively connects to others.

The point in the heart is also known as the seed of the soul, as we can develop it to discover our soul—the connection that underlies those very points. The realization of the potential encased in this small point of desire is the ability to rise above the human ego, where instead of detaching from one another through our growing egoism, i.e. increasingly prioritizing self-benefit over benefiting others, we instead prioritize the benefit of others and positive human connection.

The point in the heart is the opposite of our egoistic nature. There are people who host only the negative egoistic force, and there are people who have both the negative egoistic force and the positive altruistic force. When both positive and negative forces coexist in us, then we become called “Jews” or “Israel” according to our inner essence. Likewise, if we solely host the negative egoistic force with no revelation yet of the point in the heart, then we are called “nations of the world” according to that essence.

We underwent several stages of development throughout history. The point in the heart first surfaced throughout human society in ancient Babylon. The Babylonians who felt the inner urge to seek something deeper in life beyond the earthly egoistic desires joined Abraham, who taught a method for how to nurture the point in the heart in order to rise above the ego and positively connect. Abraham organized the Babylonians who wanted to study with him into a group, and he called this group “Israel,” which is made up of the words “Yashar Kel” (“straight to God”), i.e. people who aim themselves directly at the attainment of nature’s upper force of love, bestowal and connection, which is opposed to the force existing in human beings, the force of reception.

Since Abraham’s time, the two groups—Israel and the nations of the world—have undergone much development. Some from the Israel camp left the group to pursue their natural egoistic inclinations, i.e. with an inclination to the nations of the world, while some from the nations of the world felt that they possess a special closeness and connection, which draws them to Israel. In other words, Jews are not a nationality, but they are people who host the point in the heart, which associates them with the positive force of nature, and which is opposite to the egoistic force that we are born and raised with by nature.

The source of antisemitism is in the contrast and conflict between the two opposite desires of our inborn egoism and the point in the heart that can develop our ability to rise above the human ego.

Based on the video “What Is the Essence of Antisemitism?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.