The Monkey Syndrome

938.02Comment: As a child, when my parents and I watched a humorous program on TV and they laughed, I automatically laughed with them in order to participate in this game.

My Response: Of course to be like the adults, as if you also understand.

Question: Yes, I saw how they reacted and also laughed like them. After some time I began to understand this humor because when you play this game, whether you wanted it or not, you suddenly turn on and understand what it is about.

In our spiritual work there is also a level of “monkey.” What is the correct mechanism for this game? After all, a little person is still ignorant and an adult already has a lot infesting him.

Answer: An adult is ashamed and uncomfortable; he does not know how to behave; he alienates himself and hides behind some stunts, behind rudeness, only in order to save his completely stupid pride. What does it give? But that is what nature makes us do.

If we imagine ourselves as little children again, then we are ready to play. In the group you can play and be a little kid no matter what. Friends understand both you and themselves and give each other such an opportunity. Therefore egoism is not afraid to act like a little child. So what if we run, dance, clap our hands, etc.?

We do all this because we agreed to do that, because we understood that we should not be shy, but on the contrary, we must communicate with each other directly, like children. We have to get to that level.

Our egoism can allow us to do this because in the group we are among our own kind. In this case, we can show each other how open we can be, we can help and be included in each other. This leads us to mutual love. You suddenly discover such a commonality, such a force that is never manifested anywhere else!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Monkey” 3/10/12

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