From the Level of Psychology to Kabbalah

214Question: You say that there is nothing stronger than a thought connected with a desire. What do thought and desire mean separately?

Answer: This happens only with respect to us. We are constantly talking to each other on a level called psychology.

It does not give us the opportunity to clearly explore our desires as forces with information records that can be divided into ten Sefirot (emanations). We do not study them in three lines: in receiving, bestowing, and in the middle line between them, in balance as on a scale. All this is impossible to study at the level of psychology.

But from it, we slowly rise to the level that Kabbalah speaks of, to the level where these forces are weighed and their vector orientation of interaction with each other is correctly evaluated. From these forces, we can create an entire vector field, check it, analyze it, change it, and thus control ourselves and the rest of the world.

This is what Kabbalah allows us, but only in the right direction and by no means forcing others to do so, since you are entering a realm where you have clear limitations. As soon as you cross a certain threshold and you suddenly have the opportunity to do something wrong, everything immediately disappears.

In the spiritual world, there is a safeguard; it is impossible to harm the world more than on our small, insignificant, earthly level.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Power of Thought is the Manipulation of Consciousness.” 23/01/27

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