Audio Version Of The Blog – 2/26/23

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Nonstandard Hearts

243.03What does it mean that everyone has to prepare their heart for connection? In the old days, houses were built not from smooth bricks but from stones of arbitrary shape. They were only trimmed a little so that they could be put together, and this is how the walls of the house were laid.

This is how we rub our hearts to polish them and make them suitable for reaching one goal: connection and advancement on the spiritual path. Everyone adjusts himself to the friend in order to build a common house, a common spiritual vessel.

Therefore, we need to trim our hearts. Everyone checks how much he is able to connect himself with the others: what stands in his way, what is superfluous, and what is missing. Through this personal work on ourselves, we can reach rubbing even between the stony hearts themselves. Everyone warms up their hearts.

If we understand that we are obliged to do this according to the purpose of creation, then everyone is trimming his own stone in order to adapt it to others. He no longer looks only at himself but evaluates himself in terms of readiness to connect. Where and how much I need to trim myself is checked only with respect to connecting with others in order to make contact with them.

Therefore, there is no need to try to make everyone completely rectangular. We just need to match each other. Let each one have a curved shape, but if the other has the suitable curvature, then we match each other.

That is why we can start working together from the first second. The main thing is not to check how straight a friend is (like a standard brick), but how much he matches me and I him. If we can adjust ourselves to each other, then we have the opportunity to build together a system inside us for the revelation of the Creator, a temple, a house of holiness, for the revelation of the quality of bestowal between us.

I do not know in advance what my qualities should be. I am not able to choose my qualities and form; rather, it is the environment that determines what form I must take in order to become integrated with the friends.

It is like in ancient masonry where you need to fit one stone under another to lay down a wall, this is how we need to work on our hearts. Not a single heart wants to be trimmed to a flat rectangular shape, removing everything that does not match the other.

In order to make standard blocks that are used in construction today, it is necessary to completely crush the natural material in order to mold the desired shape from these crumbs. But in spirituality, it is impossible. We would like to do this to others according to our egoism, but it does not work.

In true spiritual development, it is necessary to let everyone develop in his own way, and then he will develop into his optimal form. The other will remain in a way that is suitable for him. It is only necessary to eliminate the force of resistance between us, and then we will reveal the form of connection that the Creator wished to have between us. It is the form of connection revealed between us that is called the Creator.

Otherwise, we will not reveal anything except fabrications of our mind with which it is impossible to build any building. This is why we see that everything built by people is being destroyed: both the structure of the family and the spiritual society.

Therefore, we just need to know how to connect hearts.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/21/23, “Preparation for Opening the Heart at the Congress”

Related Material:
Altar Of Whole Stones
Turn A Stony Heart Into A Live One
Transformation Of Intentions

The Danger Threatening Humanity

293Today many people in the world are beginning to say that we are at a dead end. It is really a terrible dead end when man can press the nuclear button. After all, he is under such pressure that he simply does not know what to do and how. You press it, and that is it, better nothing than this feeling!

It is like a man who throws himself from a skyscraper window during a fire. The main thing for him is to escape from the fire, from this terrible state, and the fact that he will fall from the hundredth floor is not important. He does not think about the next moment, the main thing is that there is not the previous one.

This is the danger that lies before us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Benefits of Fasting” 5/7/12

Related Material:
Can We Not Avoid a Nuclear War?
Only God Is Infallible
Will There Ever Be Peace in The World?

The Secret to the Perception the World

761.2Question: Why do we see our world as a physical world? Actually, you say that all this is a field, sparks of light that gather together.

Answer: Our world is forces that affect us and give us a sense of the picture inside us. This is how they are imprinted on the retina of our eyes and in our brain.

It is a light-sensitive material that senses the field of light, its greater or lesser intensity, and thus reproduces a picture. That is, these are fluctuations of light, and you extrapolate or decipher the resulting picture in your own way.

If you bring a small child or a dog into a room, for them it will be a completely different world than the one you see. You see walls, ceiling, paintings, and whatever, and they do not see that. It all gathers together for you in a picture of some interior, but not for them.

That means that you decipher the picture according to your Reshimot. But in fact, it is just the effect of the light on you, its particles, influences, and fields of various intensity. There is nothing else!

Question: But why do we have exactly this kind of perception and not another?

Answer: Because it is the best one to move from to spiritual perception where you will perceive any impressions only to the extent of greater or lesser ability to bestow. And now you perceive it in a greater or lesser ability to enjoy.

Let’s say that I am looking at the painting of fish right now. Why do I sense them? Because they depict in me, on my desire to enjoy, all kinds of impressions: pleasant or unpleasant, desirable or undesirable, fear or joy. From these states, the picture is assembled for me.

I do not see yellow, purple, blue, water, fish, and so on. I see some impressions that are more pleasant or less pleasant for my ego, and only then do I decipher them.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Other World” 4/27/12

Related Material:
How do We Perceive the Picture of the World
The Objective Perception Of The World
Objective Reality or Common Misconception?

The Birth of the Common Desire

942Kabbalah is the science of using the upper force. Through connection and mutual guarantee, you can invite this force upon yourself. If you want to become similar to it, it influences you to the extent of your aspiration for it.

When a great number of people connect, they annul themselves relative to each other in order to connect together and create something common. This is no longer something like a gathering of ten people because the multitude creates something common in connection with each other as if it is eleventh. They give birth to a common desire—not the sum of their desires, but something common.

This common desire is above them, at the next level, and it is like their common child. Within it, they begin to feel the Creator—the upper force, the upper world, and the upper state. This no longer relates to our world.

Reaching such a connection in spite of your egoism so that you feel not yourself or even others, but the common thing between you, it is already the first serious spiritual degree. And the rest of the degrees are also built on the same principle.

Question: How does the process itself happen? Let’s say people get together and play at connection. What is happening in spirituality at this time?

Answer: Spirituality is right here, within us. We are in the same dimension as these forces. We connect them, use them, and exist inside them. After all, there are only two forces: the force of desire and the force of light. It is very simple.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The World of Liars” 5/19/12

Related Material:
Uniting Desires
Different Desires, One Goal
How To Penetrate Into A Foreign Desire?

Inside a Black Hole

260.01Question: Black holes are known to absorb everything within their gravitational field. Using the most powerful Hubble telescope, astronomers discovered a black hole that has become a mother and given birth to several stars. They describe how black holes give birth to stars. A black hole sucks gas clouds into itself, gas clouds heat up to certain temperatures, connect with plasma streams, and become nurseries for future stars.

In which case does a black hole give birth to a star?

Answer: When there is a clear transition from darkness to light. That is, when it can no longer pull in, but must push out. There must be some pulsation law at work here.

Question: Can this be applied to our world, which everyone seems to compare to a black hole? They say that our world is like a black hole. We live by consuming, exclusively by consuming.

Answer: We ourselves are inside a black hole.

Question: We are inside a black hole ourselves. In what case can we give birth to something like light or stars?

Answer: It is only possible with different qualities, not the ones we have now.

Question: Meaning, there are properties of a black hole in us? We resemble it, right?

Answer: Yes, we resemble a black hole. We absorb everything into ourselves.

Question: In what case can we not absorb, but give?

Answer: To do this, we must change our nature from taking to giving.

Question: That is, like a star born out of a black hole, can we give birth to something like light if we transform ourselves? How do we transform and give birth?

Answer: First, we need to realize that black holes are the basis of all nature. This is a massive force of ego, which pulls everything into itself, sucks it in. And then? We need to understand how we can break out of this black hole.

Question: Would it be painful to realize we are a black hole? Will it be bad for us? Why would we want to break out of this?

Answer: Yes, because the black hole only consumes it therefore cannot develop. It only pulls everything into itself; it has no future.

Question: So it turns out black holes are inside us?

Answer: Black holes are inside us. These are huge egoistic voids that we would like to fill, but we cannot and will not be able to.

Question: And that is what we have to come to?

Answer: When we discover these black holes, that our egoism is a pure black hole, the source and origin of all other black holes at all levels of the world, nature, then we may ask the question: “How can we correct it, complement it, and turn it around somehow?”

Question: Will this mean we are getting ready to give birth?

Answer: Yes, this is the act of birth.

Question: So humanity will conceive in order to give birth?

Answer: It is already happening gradually.

Question: What will we give birth to? In terms of relationships or states, what will we give birth to? What do you call birth?

Answer: I call birth an inverse change from wanting to receive to wanting to give. I realize this way is flawed, so I try to change myself.

Question: And this very attempt is what brings results?

Answer: Of course. Nothing in nature is above human reason, above human desire.

Question: So, we have to want it, is this the point?

Answer: Yes, this is sufficient.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/13/22

Related Material:
The Secret Of Black Holes
In This Contrived And Illusory World…
The End Of Creation

New Trend: “We Are Against Work”

600.02Question: An “Antiwork” movement is gaining popularity. This is in the US where work was the main thing in life. The principles are that work is only a part of life and not the main purpose of existence. How do you relate to this principle?

Answer: This is correct. Was I born, raised, brought up, and educated just to work in some office or factory?

Question: But still, I have to somehow earn money for a living?

Answer: I want to live normally. I am interested in feeling that I live and exist, I want to hear birds and smell flowers.

Question: In principle, when it they say work is only a part of life and not the main purpose of existence, is it implied that a person should find the purpose of his existence?

Answer: Yes. But it is necessary to ensure that the same purpose of existence is at the same time connected in some way with his work so that he finds rest in his work.

Question: So you are looking for such harmony? There should be harmony? Birds, flowers, also work, and family?

Answer: Of course, yes.

Comment: Another antiwork principle is not to do anything redundant to do only what is necessary.

My Response: Exactly.

Question: If we go a little deeper into these principles, what is necessary for a person? And who determines what is necessary?

Answer: This is determined by the upbringing of people. We do not consume more than is necessary in order to live normally and peacefully and to support nature. And for this, there must be consciousness.

Question: So, in principle, if there is such an education, then Bill Gates will get whatever is necessary for him, and the ordinary worker will get whatever is necessary for him, and everyone will be satisfied with what they have received?

Answer: In general, they will receive equally and will be satisfied.

Question: What does equally mean?

Answer: Equally. And what does Bill Gates need? If the principle of education is correct, then he will not take more than he needs.

Question: Another antiwork principle is the rejection of a schedule. An employee does not steal company’s time if he finishes his tasks faster and goes home earlier.

Answer: No. I do not think that is right. The employee must understand that he works for the company, and the company works for him, and everything is interconnected. And therefore, there must be a really serious internal attitude, discipline.

I do not think he should leave sooner, or later, or whatever. It is just that everyone has to think about how we can do our common work. That is all. And do not count the time when you leave, come, and even how much you earn.

Question: So you should not have it in your head that I did the job and immediately went home?

Answer: No.

Question: That is, I think about what else I can do that is necessary for the company?

Answer: If it is necessary! But again, it all comes down to upbringing.

Comment: Rejecting extra work for everyone is another principle.

My Response: Extra work is a horror; it is what kills our world, nature, ecology, whatever you want. If a person did only what was necessary, the world would flourish, everything would be green, birds would sing. Otherwise, we burn everything, kill, and do not see the daylight ourselves.

Question: At what point will all these principles become alive and not remain on paper?

Answer: It depends on people. It depends on when people realize that they must have other fundamental principles in their life.

Question: Which ones?

Answer: I want me, and my children, and everyone around me (because otherwise it is impossible) to be happy.

What do we need for happiness? We need normal food, a friendly environment, an apartment, and some kind of work, which in the end is necessary for society, but nothing more.

When we engage in such a restructuring in the world, then we will feel how flawed we are, and that we need to rebuild ourselves first of all.

Advanced countries should adopt this program for implementation. The world will learn from them.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/6/22

Related Material:
There Is No Point In Working
Welcome To The Machine?
The Unemployed Do Not Want To Work

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 2/26/23

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic” “Connecting Into One Ten”

[media 3] [media 4]

Selected Highlights

[media 5] [media 6]

“Does nature sing? If it does, how can we hear it singing?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Does nature sing? If it does, how can we hear it singing?

One of my students recently read about a phenomenon where people who live in nature hear it singing, and asked me about it. He was stunned. He asked how could animals, plants, the wind, and so on sing, and what do they sing about?

Since we are created in an opposite nature to nature itself—we are a desire to receive while nature is a force of love, bestowal and connection—then we cannot hear nature singing, but if we were to hear it, then we would hear a great song about love, connection and a perfect life.

If we felt nature in its pure form, then we would hear how trees, bushes, grass, birds, animals and even wind sing about the good in the world. However, due to our oppositeness to nature, we corrupt it and do not hear it.

In order to hear nature’s wondrous beauty, we need to understand the general mechanism of nature and to turn it in a positive direction by changing ourselves.

It is no problem to do so. We can experience such a change very quickly on our human level. If we change ourselves to adapt ourselves to nature, then we will see how nature calms down, and we will feel ourselves living in a harmonious, peaceful and perfect world.

We will then be able to hear nature’s inner force, a force that wishes for us to positively connect through mutual consideration, as is written, “and the wolf shall dwell with the lamb.”

Based on the video “How to Hear Nature Singing” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Oren Levi. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.