The Birth of the Common Desire

942Kabbalah is the science of using the upper force. Through connection and mutual guarantee, you can invite this force upon yourself. If you want to become similar to it, it influences you to the extent of your aspiration for it.

When a great number of people connect, they annul themselves relative to each other in order to connect together and create something common. This is no longer something like a gathering of ten people because the multitude creates something common in connection with each other as if it is eleventh. They give birth to a common desire—not the sum of their desires, but something common.

This common desire is above them, at the next level, and it is like their common child. Within it, they begin to feel the Creator—the upper force, the upper world, and the upper state. This no longer relates to our world.

Reaching such a connection in spite of your egoism so that you feel not yourself or even others, but the common thing between you, it is already the first serious spiritual degree. And the rest of the degrees are also built on the same principle.

Question: How does the process itself happen? Let’s say people get together and play at connection. What is happening in spirituality at this time?

Answer: Spirituality is right here, within us. We are in the same dimension as these forces. We connect them, use them, and exist inside them. After all, there are only two forces: the force of desire and the force of light. It is very simple.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The World of Liars” 5/19/12

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