Nonstandard Hearts

243.03What does it mean that everyone has to prepare their heart for connection? In the old days, houses were built not from smooth bricks but from stones of arbitrary shape. They were only trimmed a little so that they could be put together, and this is how the walls of the house were laid.

This is how we rub our hearts to polish them and make them suitable for reaching one goal: connection and advancement on the spiritual path. Everyone adjusts himself to the friend in order to build a common house, a common spiritual vessel.

Therefore, we need to trim our hearts. Everyone checks how much he is able to connect himself with the others: what stands in his way, what is superfluous, and what is missing. Through this personal work on ourselves, we can reach rubbing even between the stony hearts themselves. Everyone warms up their hearts.

If we understand that we are obliged to do this according to the purpose of creation, then everyone is trimming his own stone in order to adapt it to others. He no longer looks only at himself but evaluates himself in terms of readiness to connect. Where and how much I need to trim myself is checked only with respect to connecting with others in order to make contact with them.

Therefore, there is no need to try to make everyone completely rectangular. We just need to match each other. Let each one have a curved shape, but if the other has the suitable curvature, then we match each other.

That is why we can start working together from the first second. The main thing is not to check how straight a friend is (like a standard brick), but how much he matches me and I him. If we can adjust ourselves to each other, then we have the opportunity to build together a system inside us for the revelation of the Creator, a temple, a house of holiness, for the revelation of the quality of bestowal between us.

I do not know in advance what my qualities should be. I am not able to choose my qualities and form; rather, it is the environment that determines what form I must take in order to become integrated with the friends.

It is like in ancient masonry where you need to fit one stone under another to lay down a wall, this is how we need to work on our hearts. Not a single heart wants to be trimmed to a flat rectangular shape, removing everything that does not match the other.

In order to make standard blocks that are used in construction today, it is necessary to completely crush the natural material in order to mold the desired shape from these crumbs. But in spirituality, it is impossible. We would like to do this to others according to our egoism, but it does not work.

In true spiritual development, it is necessary to let everyone develop in his own way, and then he will develop into his optimal form. The other will remain in a way that is suitable for him. It is only necessary to eliminate the force of resistance between us, and then we will reveal the form of connection that the Creator wished to have between us. It is the form of connection revealed between us that is called the Creator.

Otherwise, we will not reveal anything except fabrications of our mind with which it is impossible to build any building. This is why we see that everything built by people is being destroyed: both the structure of the family and the spiritual society.

Therefore, we just need to know how to connect hearts.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/21/23, “Preparation for Opening the Heart at the Congress”

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