Raise the Environment in Your Eyes

947Question: After  performing some joint tasks, it seems like it is even more difficult to mutually overcome subsequent tasks.

Suppose we agree to shoot a video. We are on this mission together, and it is kind of a little unification process. But after that, it is much harder to gather the same people again. If you want to gather them for the third time, it is even harder! And the fourth time, it is completely unrealistic! Those who can overcome do it, and those who cannot don’t.

Is this the difficulty of connection? Moreover, a person understands in his mind what is needed, but he cannot do anything with himself.

Answer: Of course, he cannot until a real need arises and the goal set is above his current state. Everything is built on pure arithmetic: this is more, and this is less. I always take what is bigger, as my egoism is never wrong.

But I can vary more or less; I can imagine that this is more important than that according to the values of the environment. This means that I must always choose such an environment that will point out to me the greater weight of what advances us toward spirituality although it is against my egoism.

If the environment in my eyes is more important than my egoism—and it can develop and show itself in this way, using my pride, my desire for power, for fame, and so on—then I can move forward.

A person receives a practical method of working with his properties. And if he works with these properties correctly, he has no problem moving forward by using them.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Two Kinds of Disturbances” 3/11/12

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