Kabbalistic Geography

746.02Question: There is an area in Kabbalah called Kabbalistic geography. What is it?

Answer: Kabbalistic geography is not only the geo-science of the Earth and the consequences that the upper forces cause on Earth. It includes the study of our world, our universe, as a mold from the next, upper world. After all, from that degree, forces descend into our world that determine all corporeal parts: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human levels and their interaction with each other.

Moreover, a huge number of forces are occupied by inanimate nature: an infinite number of stars, galaxies, planets, nebulae, and other celestial bodies. But, despite the quantity of these forces, their quality is scanty in comparison with the vegetative and animate nature that exists on Earth, and even more so with the level of “Human.”

That is, as more qualitative forces appear in our world from the spiritual world, their quantity in our world decreases accordingly, but their quality increases.

If we go further in this quantitative and qualitative influence and the similarity of the upper world to our world, then we can say that all the countries of the world, all the imprints on the surface of the Earth, are Kabbalistic geography, that is, they are the result of the influence of upper forces on our Earth, on its surface.

Everything that determines ecology, geography, topography on the Earth, and not only on it, but also underground to its center, everything that surrounds our Earth, all this is a consequence of these upper forces.

But the most interesting thing is that it relates to a person. Therefore, in Kabbalah, we study more about the connection between the Earth, its geography (climate and all kinds of geographical features) and those peoples who live on it, and from generation to generation moved by various means: either wars, or the discovery of lands, and so on.

As a result, the most interesting thing is, of course, the development of the people of Israel, since this ancient Babylonian group, practically a part of all humanity, carries the method of correcting it, raising it back to the upper level, from where all the forces that form our universe descend.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalistic Geography” 12/27/10

Related Material:
According To The Projection Of Spiritual Forces
Spiritual Geography, Part 2
The Spiritual Roots Of Nations And Peoples

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