Simple Game

934Question: In this world, in this illusion, we are given the opportunity to connect together. By playing in connection with each other, do we thereby correct the spiritual?

Answer: In playing with unity, we call upon ourselves the surrounding light to the extent of its similarity, like children who play and thereby call upon ourselves a special force that develops them. This force exists in nature. If a child does not try to play, to do something, he or she does not develop.

The same thing happens to us according to the same principle. There is nothing supernatural here.

We are trying to unite, but we do it consciously. We know that we must call a higher power upon ourselves and we use all kinds of advice from Kabbalists for how to do this most effectively. Therefore, a group of ten people comes together with a certain intention and discusses those topics that bring us closer to the power of the light.

This is the light of reason, the light that fills us, and from which it becomes warm inside. This is how we operate.

You can call it a ritual, how the ancient priests caused some kind of phenomena, it does not matter. The main thing is that our actions should be aimed at challenging the positive force of nature, which immediately affects us and gradually, step by step, begins to purposefully change.

These actions become vital for you, because thanks to them you change, and it happens absolutely clearly. You feel how from time to time completely different realizations occur in you, an understanding of what is happening, and your relationship with other people, with the forces of nature. Moreover, you yourself begin to influence this force, attract it quite intensively, and change faster than all other people because they do not use this opportunity. This is what Kabbalah gives us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The World of Liars” 5/19/12

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