Kabbalistic Calendar

740.01Question: Kabbalists of the past created a calendar for 6,000 years. How could they calculate this time?

Answer: Everything that happens in our world is performed under the influence of the upper world. Zeir Anpin of the world of Atzilut, which influences us, consists of six parts: Hesed, Gevura, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod. Each of them must project a thousand-year development in our world from the first attainment of the upper world to the last, final one.

The count of the calendar starts from the spiritual birth of Adam HaRishon. It is said that it happened when he was 37 years old. Basically, that does not matter. He was the first to attain the upper world and is therefore called the first man, Adam HaRishon. After him, other Kabbalists began to attain spirituality.

From the first revelation to the last final attainment, the influence of the six degrees of Zeir Anpin must pass, each of which consists of 1,000, that is, it increases a thousandfold because Zeir Anpin must ascend to the level of Arich Anpin.

As a result, all 6,000 degrees must influence our world. When this happens, each of them turns into an earthly year, and therefore 6,000 years must pass both before a person first reveals the upper state, the full volume of the universe, and before the last one when absolutely all of us reach this level.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Kabbalistic Calendar” 9/3/11

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