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“The 2023 NA Annual KabU Retreat” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: The 2023 NA Annual KabU Retreat

Hello to all of you who find interest in the wisdom of Kabbalah and wish to know what this wisdom is really about, and what it guides a person to achieve.

I highly recommend not to miss the upcoming opportunity at the 2023 NA Annual KabU Retreat to connect with others who started studying the wisdom of Kabbalah.

You have a truly unique opportunity to come together and find in that connection all the answers to every possible question that a person may have.

So I wish you the best of luck in discovering all the secrets of nature, and the secrets of your destiny and purpose.

Good luck.

The Desire to Bestow Will Connect All Times

928Egoistic desire divides the times into the past, present, and future. After all, the desire to enjoy is not content with what it had in the past or will have in the future. It is tied to the present time in which it feels what benefit it has from the light that is clothed in it now.

However, in the future, the desire to bestow will unite all times: past, present, and future.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/6/23, Writings of Rabash “Three Times in the Work”

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Questions about Spiritual Work—4

281.02Question: What does it mean to feel the mutual and reciprocal love of a typical single soul?

Answer: It is possible to feel mutual love when we all connect, feel a common connection between us, and try to fulfill each other through it.

Question: How can we understand that we are ready to be born? How can we bring this state closer to the ten?

Answer: If you are ready to bestow to each other in the group, then you are ready to be born.

Question: If we have a middle line, will we still continue to divide everything into good and evil?

Answer: Of course. Egoism or altruism, we will always distinguish one from the other.

But after complete correction, all egoism will turn into altruism. Then we will not be able to distinguish anything. There will be no opposing knowledge, opinions, and desires, everything will work only in one direction—for the sake of the other.

Question: How do we check our willingness to give to the friends in the ten? What do we give them?

Answer: We give them our participation. How do we do this? We gather together and decide: from now on, let us rise to an even greater level of connection between us so that the Creator can come even closer to us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/28/23, “According to the Sorrow, So Is the Reward”

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Questions about Spiritual Work—2
Questions about Spiritual Work—1

The Greatest Reward

276.02For this reason, a person begins to work not in order to receive reward, but because of the glory of the King (RABASH,”What Does It Mean that Oil Is Called ‘Good Deeds’ in the Work?”).

Question: What does a person feel here? Does he not see a reward at all or does it still exist but in a different form?

Answer: To reveal the greatness of the Creator in our actions is the greatest reward; this is what we must imagine.

The reward is to bestow to the Creator because bestowing to Him will be receiving for us.

Question: What if there is a fear that when the Creator is revealed in the receiving Kelim, I will not be able to resist pleasure?

Answer: There is no one closer to you than the Creator. And there is no one kinder to you than the Creator. Therefore, there is absolutely nothing to fear. You have to be before Him the way you are before yourself, and even more. You can admit to Him what you cannot admit to yourself.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/30/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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Pray for Malchut of Infinity

934Question: You said that a person should pray for Malchut of infinity. What does it mean?

Answer: For the global Malchut, which includes absolutely everything.

Question: I connect with my ten and ask for the ten. Where is the connection with the global Malchut here?

Answer: The difference is only in scale. This cannot be divided into parts. Spirituality is not divided into parts.

Question: How do I move from the scale of the connection with the ten to the global Malchut?

Answer: It only depends on how much you increase or decrease the integration of parts.

Question: How can I increase the integration of parts when I feel connected with my friends in the ten?

Answer: Increase the incorporation and love.

Question: Is it within the ten or do I need to add something to it?

Answer: Within the ten. It does not matter how much you add, or how much you subtract.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/27/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is, “Anyone Who Mourns for Jerusalem Is Rewarded with Seeing Its Joy,” in the Work?”

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Replace Suffering with Love

534Question: When there is some kind of suffering, trial, or problem that comes from the Creator, I realize there is a very strong need for Him, which is a trigger for prayer and connection with Him and with the group.

But when there are no sufferings and problems, it is very difficult to build a request on the same level. Why does this happen? What do we need to do so that we, ourselves, without suffering, but rather in the spiritual work in the group, can build the same Hisaron (deficiency)?

Answer: It is impossible to do this without suffering. Suffering is an integral part of the feeling in the Kli (vessel), it is its filling. Without suffering, we could not orientate ourselves in any way, neither toward the Creator nor against Him.

Comment: I remember moments when there were some difficulties and then there was a great Hisaron, great desire. But when the Creator “lets go” a little, then we are not able to feel the same strong desire.

My Response: That is right. Therefore, we cannot move forward without sufferings. But we must not exalt them. We just need to understand that without them we do not feel our real Kli.

Question: But I cannot ask the Creator to give me sufferings again, can I?

Answer: No, do not do that! You can replace them with love.

Question: How can you build love on the same level?

Answer: Ask for this! You should ask for love.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/25/23, “According to the Sorrow, So Is the Reward”

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A Common Desire Is a Place for the Creator

935Question: You said, “Either you give thanks, or you give the Creator a place to work.” If a person has been awarded with a state of gratitude, how can one give a place to the Creator?

Answer: When you unite in one mutual desire to bestow, you open a place for the Creator.

Question: And how do Kabbalists give a place for the Creator to be revealed between them? How do they feel His manifestation in the group?

Answer: They invite Him, attract Him, force Him, and beg Him; they try in every possible way to attract the Creator to the group. And then they see the result; by connecting with each other, they form a common desire in which the Creator manifests Himself.

A common desire in the ten arises when you are striving for the same goal. You try to get closer to each other, and if you succeed, then you move on to connection of one ten to another, and so on. As a result, you should feel the general force that fills you, surrounds you, embraces you. This will be the beginning of the manifestation of the Creator.

Question: How can a desire be shared if each friend has his own taste, his own shade of this desire, feeling, and understanding?

Answer: You will feel that it is common because to this extent the Creator clothes in you. And He is one.

Question: Will we all feel together that the Creator clothes in us?

Answer: Not only all together in the ten, but all eight billion in the world. What is the difference?

Question: How can we make each of our actions precisely so that we guide ourselves correctly?

Answer: You just have to think about it, strive for it, and everything will work out. The Creator will tell you what you still lack, and you will correct yourself.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 7/28/23, “According to the Sorrow, So Is the Reward”

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Follow the Teacher

961.2Question: Let’s say that you raise the importance of some process, and a person listens to you and gets involved in it. Then you radically change the process, and he gets involved in what you say again.

But after this happens several times, a person begins to wait, does not do any actions either in one direction or the other, and accordingly loses. What is the correct way to act in this case?

Answer: I will only say one thing. Do you want to get out into the upper world? Then stop being a smartalek and wait for what I say. Close your eyes and go! Since you do not see the upper world, you have no other option but to blindly follow the recommendations of the teacher.

You can turn to any other methods, and they will tell you the same thing. How do you think you can climb to another degree?! Offer me another method!

You can go to anyone, turn to any other sources, and they will tell you the same thing! If you want to change, you should just close your eyes and follow the teacher.

First, choose a teacher with your eyes open, and you will still have to close them and blindly follow him.
Gradually, as you progress you will begin to understand, feel his path, and gradually involve analysis and synthesis of everything that happens to you on the way. There is no other way.

When you were born, did you check what Mom was doing to you?! It is the same on the spiritual path when you grow up! You have not been born into the spiritual yet, but you already want to start checking something with your earthly mind. This is why nothing works for you!

And so it is with everyone, except those who agree to annul themselves and realize that spiritual birth, as well as earthly, means the complete annulment of the present state: I cannot climb with my earthly brains and poke around in some unearthly spheres of the next degree and the next dimension because there is no man there.

At the next degree, we are all connected by our points in the heart, our desires and thoughts to the spiritual and to mutual bestowal. That is, both desire and reason merge together there.

Our next degree is a degree independent of our bodies, a degree where only our heartfelt, sensible striving for a common connection to find the common power of bestowal and love so that it will be revealed between us.

What can you do with your earthly brains that are tuned only to fill your flesh with vital animal power at that degree?! Nothing! You can only prevent yourself from getting up.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. How Can You Be Trusted?”

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Natural Instinct

543.02Question: People who practice Kabbalah develop certain callousness after a while as a natural effect. How can this callousness be used correctly?

Answer: They are like that because they are given freewill. This is how I behave with my students as well. Otherwise, will I be force them to be the way I want them to be? No. They must take each step by themselves or they will not start walking and learn how to navigate in this world!

A little man changes under the influence of the environment. He looks at others and this is it, he does not need anything else. He sees a child a year older than himself, and it is an angel for him, it is an example for him. He looks at him and does the same.

He automatically enters the kindergarten and nothing else exists for him: other kids sit down, he sits down; they get up, he gets up; they go somewhere, he follows them like a monkey! Look how this instinct introduces us to life and helps us. Look what nature does!

It means you need to use this instinct. This is the most natural action. We just need to get into the right environment, the right “kindergarten,” and learn from good, right people, and then everything will be fine.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Ruthless people” 9/17/11

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