Replace Suffering with Love

534Question: When there is some kind of suffering, trial, or problem that comes from the Creator, I realize there is a very strong need for Him, which is a trigger for prayer and connection with Him and with the group.

But when there are no sufferings and problems, it is very difficult to build a request on the same level. Why does this happen? What do we need to do so that we, ourselves, without suffering, but rather in the spiritual work in the group, can build the same Hisaron (deficiency)?

Answer: It is impossible to do this without suffering. Suffering is an integral part of the feeling in the Kli (vessel), it is its filling. Without suffering, we could not orientate ourselves in any way, neither toward the Creator nor against Him.

Comment: I remember moments when there were some difficulties and then there was a great Hisaron, great desire. But when the Creator “lets go” a little, then we are not able to feel the same strong desire.

My Response: That is right. Therefore, we cannot move forward without sufferings. But we must not exalt them. We just need to understand that without them we do not feel our real Kli.

Question: But I cannot ask the Creator to give me sufferings again, can I?

Answer: No, do not do that! You can replace them with love.

Question: How can you build love on the same level?

Answer: Ask for this! You should ask for love.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/25/23, “According to the Sorrow, So Is the Reward”

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