Questions about Spiritual Work—2

281.02Question: All suffering is from the desire to receive. But when we are in bestowal, is it a gift from the Creator?

Answer: Yes.

Question: You said that we can choose either the path of suffering or the path of love. But it often happens that one does everything to walk the path of love, and still receives suffering. Why?

Answer: We know this from our lives. First, we receive suffering, and then in suffering, we reveal love. One cannot be without the other.

Question: If a person does not feel suffering and obstacles in his work, does this mean that he is not in spiritual work at all?

Answer: Yes. There is no moving forward without resistance.

Question: There are times when I force myself to go to a lesson, to a meeting, or to a group. Does it harm the group?

Answer: On the contrary, it helps both the group and you very much.

Question: Can we say that suffering comes from the Creator in order to strengthen the quality of the connection between us and to unite us even more?

Answer: Of course. How else can He wake you up if not by suffering? An egoist can only be awakened by suffering.

Question: How is the Kli (Vessel) built? Is it built above my desire? Or can I work with the desire of a friend and help him build a Kli?

Answer: Both are good.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/25/23,”According to the Sorrow, So Is the Reward”

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