No Need for Suffering!

507.05Comment: Usually when moralizing a person doesn’t help, he can be greatly influenced by the example of others.

My Response: Yes, only by example. That is right. Kabbalah uses it. The whole methodology comes from Kabbalah. That is why we need a society, a group, and friends.

Comment: It is not punishment that works, but an example, as you see the selfless work of others and you feel ashamed.

My Response: Yes. Shame, envy, and jealousy are good qualities. It feels like others succeed more than you, which spurs you on to good deeds.

You do hate, but you hate yourself, your own laziness. Then everything goes through its stages of development in a completely different way. How can we make the world feel it sooner before the blows because we have a very serious rod ahead hanging over us? I pity the people.

Advancement through suffering lengthens time. Imagine if the entire Second World War could have been passed in a week of intensive world congress with good interactions, inspiration, and everything else.

Why was such tremendous suffering necessary? We simply have no idea how to fit all this within ourselves; we cannot imagine it.

Question: Are the impressions we receive from suffering useful or not at all?

Answer: They are useful, but they come in a very painful way. Very small impressions that in practice do not lead to the right conclusions. What right conclusions have we come to after the Second World War? None.

Question: And if it had been a result of a week-long congress, would we have received the same impressions without suffering?

Answer: There is no need for suffering! It is not necessary. Only advancement toward better and better. We should advance only toward goodness.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. A Living Example” 12/3/13

Related Material:
The Path Of Suffering Is Not The Path
Unnecessary Sufferings
The Spiritual Root Of Suffering

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