Audio Version Of The Blog – 12/8/22

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“Worse than Any Animal” (Medium)

Medium published my new article “Worse than Any Animal

This morning, as we were studying about the influence of the social environment, a student asked in bewilderment about the agenda being pushed by liberal circles. He said, “We learn that the environment gives us all our habits. Recently, things that have been taken for granted for thousands of years are being put into question: Men want to be women, women want to be men, children want to be treated as if they are cats, and teachers have to comply with the children’s wishes. Where will this lead? How low will we fall?”

My answer was straight and simple: “We will become worse than animals, in every way.” This required a more elaborate explanation: Humans possess characteristics that are beyond the animate level. These attributes have driven us to develop culture, art, religion, ethics, and various forms of governance. In a word, they make up what we call “civilization.”

Yet, when we misuse these attributes, they degrade us and make us lower than any animal. When we apply human morality to animate instincts, which have nothing to do with morality but function in us the same as in every other animate body, we warp our perception of the world and create distortions in society.

Animals do not ask about their sex or ponder what species they are. They are simply the way biology has made them. When we introduce morality into biology, which is exclusively the realm of instincts, we ruin our instincts and impair our biology.

Humans can be above all of reality, or below all of reality. When we leave the animate level alone and focus on the human level — on improving society through greater solidarity and mutual concern — we raise humanity above all of creation. Moreover, in doing so, we contribute to the world we live in. Conversely, when we focus instead on messing with our biology, we become lower than animals because we disrupt society and corrupt our morals and our bodies.

The only way to make things right is to deal with human issues rather than with bodily issues. If we worry about increasing social cohesion and mutual responsibility, people will feel confident about who they are and how they should behave. This, in turn, will make people happier and calmer. They will feel connected to their communities, and the new level of cohesion will feel so rewarding that people will stop wondering whether they are men, women, or cats.

“An Eerie Union between White Supremacists and Blacks around Hatred for Jews” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “An Eerie Union between White Supremacists and Blacks around Hatred for Jews

Kanye West’s recent interview with Alex Jones has fanned the flames around West’s recent antisemitic tirades. In the interview, he stated, “The Holocaust is not what happened,” denied that six million Jews were murdered there, said that Hitler has many “redeeming qualities” and that he likes him. West also claimed his accounts “have been frozen by Jewish banks,” and that the media “likes to single out a person and burn him to the core,” and that it is the “Zionist approach.” Considering that West plans another bid at the presidency in 2024, it is no surprise that “There is concern in Israel’s political system and the leadership of the Jewish community in the US over the degree that antisemitism entered into the mainstream,” as Israel Hayom reports.

Malcolm Hoenlein, chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations since June 1986, said on the Jewish NSN radio channel, “I don’t know whether people really appreciate how serious this moment is. The confluence of so many different sects and the fact that millions come to the defense of open antisemites … the whole tenor of the times is deeply disturbing… I think it is, to some degree, overwhelming.” Hoenlein also noted that “lately, there is a confluence between white supremacists and members of the black community – whom they were supposed to hate – with the background being the shared hatred of Jews.”

There is no question that matters are going from bad to worse for Jews in the US. However, antisemitism is rising not only in the US, but the world over, as Jews and the State of Israel are under a constant barrage of lies and slander. The more the world advances, and the more humanity is developing, the more humanity hates Jews.

If you have read any of my books, or even some of my recent posts, you know that as much as I dislike antisemites, I do not blame them for hating us. I do not attribute to them responsibility for their feelings, because I learned from my teachers, and I have seen and studied it for myself, that we determine how the world treats us because humanity treats us the same as we treat each other.

The current trends of excessive liberalism and the Woke agenda, as well as their reactionary movement toward religious fanaticism, are symptoms of people’s growing alienation from each other. Their intolerance toward others and incessant occupation with themselves are tearing society apart. Nothing can stop the escalating narcissism, and people’s insecurity and intolerance will grow until society collapses.

When people get to the point where they begin to search for the culprit for their loneliness and fear, they will point the finger at the Jews. It will not be a rational decision, but a gut feeling that will wash over millions like a tsunami. The fact that “millions come to the defense of open antisemites,” as Hoenlein said, indicates that the wave has already begun to roll, and it is only we who have not noticed.

Whether we like it or not, Jews will always be at the center of attention. The world feels that everything that is wrong with the world is our fault because the attention we get makes us an example, and the example we set is one of mutual hatred. For this reason, only if we stop hating one another, the world will stop hating us.

There is nothing else we need to do, or can do that will quench the flames of antisemitism, or even lower them. Reasoning and explanations do not help when emotions are involved. The only way to change people’s thoughts about Jews is by changing how they feel about us, and they will change how they feel about us when we change how we feel about each other.

We like to think that we are helping in Tikkun Olam [correction of the world], but a broken machine cannot produce correct operations. The correction of the world begins with correcting ourselves, and correcting ourselves begins with eliminating the hatred and division between us. Education for connection is what we need today, and the only way to achieve this is by beginning with each other.

Our nation was tasked with being a virtuous people, but virtue begins at home. When we are virtuous with one another, we will be treated as virtuous throughout the world.

Today, more than ever, it is vitally important that we understand this and conduct ourselves accordingly. To understand why this is so important, and why specifically now, please read my books New ‎Antisemitism: Mutation of a Long-lived Hatred, and/or The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism.

In the Multitude of Desires

423.03Then, after she [Malchut of Ein Sof] had diminished the will to receive, consequently, the light departed from there, for it is already known that the light depends on the desire, and the desire is the place of the light, for there is no coercion in spirituality (Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, Part 1, “Restriction and Line,” “Inner Observation,” Chapter 2).

Question: How is it possible to restrict your desire?

Answer: If I am among people for whom my desires are completely out of character, then by looking at them, these desires decrease for me too.

Comment: We know from experience that our desires are beyond our control.

My Response: In some ways, of course, they are beyond our control. But by being in a certain environment, I can use them so that they will change to become either greater or smaller. At the same time, the desires themselves remain. We are not talking about their disappearance.

Comment: Baal HaSulam talks about restricting them.

My Response: To restrict means to make smaller.

Question: What does the principle there is no coercion in spirituality mean?

Answer: This means that no one will force you to restrict your desire or, conversely, increase it. It depends only on the decision of the person himself.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 11/20/22

Related Material:
If There Is No Desire, There Is No Pleasure
What Is Restriction Of Desire?
Perpetuum Mobile of Creation

Kabbalistic Texts Contain a Unique Quality that Ensures a Successful Partnership

 Kabbalah & Relationships

Tips on how to build successful relationships based on the spiritual principles and understanding of our nature

Want to strengthen your relationship? Read Kabbalistic texts together!

There are special Kabbalistic texts that discuss partnership and togetherness. When a couple reads them together, this greatly reinforces their spiritual connection, bringing peace and harmony into their home.

When husband and wife spend 15 minutes a day reading Kabbalistic texts together, this brings a unique quality into their relationship that has the power to resolve all of the problems they have between them. It’s because these texts contain great power.

Moreover, the only person to whom you can reveal all of your feelings—is your spouse. It is forbidden (impossible) to speak to anyone about your deepest feelings and your inner experiences on the spiritual path—with the exception of your spouse. In sharing their feelings, the husband and wife complement one another, and together they advance into spirituality.

Education without Ritalin

Kabbalah on Education

Kabbalah comes to the rescue to today’s education and parenting crisis

Hyperactivity is a natural phenomenon in the new generation of children.

About 80% – 90% of children today are hyperactive. Many of them are prescribed Ritalin. Parents are told, “Don’t bring your child to school if you don’t give him Ritalin.” It has become almost a prerequisite at schools.

But this is certainly wrong. Kabbalah explains that people change from one generation to another because our desire constantly grows. People in the new generation have greater desires than those in the previous generation. Hence, they develop new technologies, society and thereby humanity advances. For this reason every generation is greater than the one preceding it.

Today we have reached a special generation where the ego has leapt to such a height that we are incapable of using it in the right way. We don’t understand children, so instead of understanding them, we want to calm them, as if to stop them, to chain them down with Ritalin. But it only stops a person and doesn’t let him develop.

It is not that a particular child is hyperactive. It would be one thing if it was one or two children, but today 80-90% of the children experience this phenomenon. So it isn’t an exception at all. This is what the generation is like, and we want to put it in shackles, to put it in prison.

A child has to run, a child has to jump, a child has to be “hyperactive.” He has to bring out his energy, his desire in order to develop. And if we put restrictions on him, if we medicate him, we will certainly harm him both physically and mentally.

If it is a prevalent phenomenon, we must approach it delicately, as something natural and necessary for development. We have to admit to ourselves that we don’t know how to deal with such children, how to calm them down, place them in schools and set limits. Regardless, Ritalin is not the correct approach to it.

Coming Together—The Real Meaning

Kabbalah & Women

An insight into women’s inner quest and spiritual development

The men draw the Light and the women provide them with the desire for correction.

The phrase “man and woman coming together” brings up images for all of us that have absolutely nothing to do with what it really signifies. To us, we see corporeal men and women relating to each other as their bodies, minds and emotions direct them.

In Kabbalah, the coming together of man and woman is not about Adam and Eve or even about men and women. It is about a part of humanity that is masculine and a part that is feminine. The reason for their coming together is to complete one another and bring about the general correction of mankind. When the men study the wisdom of Kabbalah and draw the Light, the women provide them with the need, the desire, the fuel to fire their energy for this correction. Each has their part, neither is more important than the other, and neither can do without the other.

A Balance that Is Difficult to Achieve

624.04Question: In a survey about the state of harmony, people were asked without what was it impossible for them to personally feel in harmony with the surrounding world? The majority of responses were, in descending order, that they could not feel harmony with the world without: self–confidence, the feeling that someone needs me, a clear goal, and the support of loved ones.

To what extent do these factors help a person in his movement toward a harmonious existence?

Answer: Of course, all this helps people ultimately; therefore, they answer like that. But I believe that harmony depends on balance with the environment, with the inanimate, vegetative, animate levels of nature, and especially with society.

Such a balance is very difficult to achieve. We are always trying to bring our way of life to this, to balance the system and most importantly, the relations between ourselves, that is, human society.

To bring it to harmony means to bring everyone to harmony. We see how one person can throw the whole system out of balance. Therefore, it is necessary to think about the education of everyone.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 11/18/22

Related Material:
Striving for Harmony
Elementary Harmony
The Force that Is Harmony

What Will Happen in Five Years?

212Question: Can you predict what will happen in five years? What will the world group look like?

Answer: I do not even think about it because I’m not interested in what will happen in five years. I am completely uninterested in the future. I have to learn from the past and realize the present so that there is no future and everything is realized now.

At every moment, the future is the end of this second and the beginning of the next; it is the end of this whole world, i.e., our egoistic state and complete correction.

Based on past knowledge and achievements, you do as much as possible so that this moment becomes the last before the complete correction of humanity. Then you are moving in a straight line. Where to? To the end of the correction. When? In the next moment.

This is the only way you can act if there is no concept of time.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Will Happen in Five Years?” 11/26/13

Related Material:
Bestowal Above The Open Emptiness
In What Way Is A Kabbalist Different From A Psychic?
Seeing The Future And Changing It

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 12/8/22

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic “Ibur (Impregnation)”

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Freedom”

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights

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