Audio Version Of The Blog – 12/27/22

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All Pleasures Are in the Creator

260.01We love rest, and vehemently hate movement, to the point that we do not make even a single movement if not to find rest.

Similarly, we love wisdom, power, wealth, and all the virtues because they are contained in Him, who is our root (Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, Part 1, Inner Observation, Chapter 4, Item 19).

Question: So the Creator has all this power, wealth, etc?

Answer: Of course. Everything that does not relate to movement, procreation, anything that involves change, exists in the Creator. We are the consequence of this, therefore, we also do not want these changes in us.

Question: There is a great number of pleasures in our world. Are all these pleasures and fulfillments in the Creator?

Answer: Of course. Where else? Where can they come from?

Question: Suppose a person enjoys violence. Is this also in the Creator?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: I think that people imagine the Creator differently. It is written that He is “Good who does good” and this is absolute love.

My Response: But by the time it reaches us in our world, in opposite actions, we already begin to receive pleasure from actions opposite to the Creator.

Comment: That is, He is in His root an Absolute, but by the time it comes to us…

My Response: If you draw near Him, you will feel that you are entering goodness, eternity, love, and mutuality. But if you are not getting close to Him… That is, there are filters between us, opposite states, so that we can study all that.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 12/4/22

Related Material:
Division into Source and Effect
Branches Extending from Infinity
Why Are We Separate from the Creator?

New Year, Old Problems

1.01Judging by what is happening with humanity regarding the overall process of development, which is bound to lead us to the intended goal, we are facing a difficult period in the coming year 2023.

I hope that we will not reach a world nuclear war, and it seems unlikely to me. But nevertheless, difficult challenges are waiting for us all over the world. And in the end they will lead us to find a true solution and agree to change the relationships between us for the better.

These problems are already visible on the horizon: poor ecology, food shortages, and all kinds of natural disasters. All these problems will be very severe and will manifest themselves on a global scale; therefore, I am not greeting the new year with joy.

It is not just about war, but about the relationships between people. After all, a war can be ended somehow, but to correct human relations requires long study, clarity, the right approach, and a sense of pain that is exacerbated in every person and in all nations and countries.

Only if it becomes obvious to everyone that we have no hope for a better future if we do not get closer to each other, only under this condition will we embark on the path to a good future.

In the new year all the old problems that we already had in 2022 will intensify. After all, we have done nothing to eliminate them. First of all we need to survive this winter of 2022 – 2023, and only then will we see what happens next. There are big problems with drinking water, with food, and with wheat. I really hope that humanity will not destroy products, but will rather come to such a distribution between countries that there is enough for everyone to exist. But so far there is no solution to this.

The coronavirus epidemic is no longer so acute, but other problems will come that are even greater: new epidemics in the world in different forms. After all, if we don’t fix our relationships, then we let all these problems out and let them blow up human society.

It is hard to talk about it, but it looks like we have reached a critical point for our survival. We do not understand how weak man is and that we are in conflict with forces of nature that we cannot resist. Nature will come down on us with even greater force, with such floods and earthquakes that it will be impossible to live on this planet.

The main problems will be from the climate, and this is a difficulty because we cannot stop nature. Relations between warring countries can still be settled somehow. But it is impossible to resist the forces of nature and eliminate natural disasters.

There is only one way to do this—through the correction of relations between people, and we are very far from that. After all, human relationships require the consent of hearts to become closer to each other.

What is required here is not material acquisition, like the purchase of gas or oil, but rather a cordial attitude of one to the other. But we are absolutely not capable of this yet. That is why I look forward with anxiety to the future, which depends entirely on good relations between all people.

We are not able to open our hearts to each other. Everyone’s heart is locked with many locks and does not want to understand that the opening and rapprochement of hearts is the solution to all our troubles. And yet humanity has been given the opportunity to correct itself. We still have a chance. It is not hopeless.
From KabTV’s “The World” 12/15/22

Related Material:
Make The Next Year More Benevolent
Forecast For 2022: Where To Go?
A Forecast For 2022

Why Does the Brain Deceive Us?

439Question: The pioneer of research in the field of neuroscience Benjamin Libet proved that a person’s decision arises before he makes a decision, that the brain is 100 – 200 ms ahead of consciousness. It turns out that what comes from the outside comes along with the reaction to it.

It sounds like a revolution. There is no choice, there is no freedom. I am receiving some kind of a blow, and my response to this blow is already embedded in it. Where am I here?

Answer: There is no “I.” Why do you think that every person has some kind of “I,” that he should imagine that he has his own opinion, his own reaction, understanding, and response to what is happening?

Comment: But man is thinking, reasoning.

My Response: I understand you. But it has nothing to do with the truth.

Everything that we feel is all represented in our consciousness, sub consciousness, super consciousness, it doesn’t matter what you call it, but all this only appears to us.

Question: What do you mean “appears”? My brain works, it is given to me for something. Why was the mind given to us? It is to realize, to make a decision. There are formulas that we have known since childhood.

Answer: It is in order for you to annul your brains, your consciousness, and accept that you are in an upper consciousness.

Question: So my only consciousness should be that my mind is given in order for me to attain the upper consciousness?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: Still, there is freewill here.

My Response: Freedom is only in the fact that you want to jump higher than yourself, in wanting to feel the upper world in the quality of bestowal and not in the quality of reception, in rising above your egoism.

Comment: While I live in the quality of reception, I live within reason, within logic, and so on. And you say it is all in order to eliminate the reason.

My Response: It must be removed. Reason is given in order to annual it and master the upper mind instead.

Question: What will this upper mind do if I master it? What will it do to me, to my “I”?

Answer: It will teach you the quality of bestowal, to bind the whole creation within yourself, to imagine the whole universe as one single whole. That is when you will see a whole new world.

Question: Will I get to a state when everything around me is a single whole, a single organism, only if I turn from receiving for myself to bestowing to others? Is that why everything is given to me?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And the fact that scientists are approaching this, does it provide anything?

Answer: No. They feel that something is wrong; they have wandered into the wrong place, but they cannot agree and understand this because they are internally not built for this. They do not have the qualities of bestowal, love, and connection with others based on which they would begin to see the correct universe.

Question: So, all our scientific discoveries, one way or another, are only in the field of our mind and that is it?

Answer: Only, at the level of our world.

Question: Why do we need scientists then?

Answer: In order to be disappointed in all sciences.

Question: So you see the need for them to come to a dead end and disappointment?

Answer: As a result, we will see that all this does not give us anything, not the Moon, Mars, Venus, nor all these underground, aboveground creatures, spaceships, etc.

Science is all completely unnecessary. We can understand the truth only when we unite into one whole.

Question: Will we unite into one whole only when the upper mind comes to us, when we can attract it?

Answer: When we want it to come to us, we will slowly begin to see the light. It will slowly begin to unfold in us, and then it will be a real science.

Question: So, our main action is to want?

Answer: Yes.

Question: We just said that a problem comes, and then its solution comes. Now you said: “Our main problem is to want.” Where is the solution here?

Answer: It means that we should just try to explain to each other and support each other in that we should come to a connection, to a complete connection between us. And then help will come because we will be a completely different organism—one, whole.

Question: Despite the fact that we will do this almost automatically, will we talk all the time and move toward this?

Answer: Let’s say that we will just talk about it, but we will not be able to do it. But from our conversations, gradually, gradually, we will receive an external impact, and it will make us a single whole.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/25/22

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Who Controls The Brain?
The Mind—A Link To Universal Consciousness
The Brain: A Secret That Is Inaccessible To Science

Striving for Harmony

294.3One of the main signs of happiness and harmony is the complete absence of a need to prove something to someone (Nelson Mandela).

My Response: This is his personal experience; it can be understood. In general, since nature strives toward a state of rest, including continuous undisturbed movement, we can say that harmony is indeed the main sign of the desire of the universe. We see that, in principle, everything is directed toward it. If something opposite to this happens, then all the forces of the universe are aimed at balancing.

Comment: Yes. If we take into account a small person, then these are small forces, and if we take the whole universe, then huge forces are involved here.

My Response: Which means, no matter what happens, it is intended only for the search for harmony, balance.

Question: How would you define ordinary human harmony?

Answer: Harmony is the combination of all mutually opposite forces in a person that balance each other.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 11/8/22

Related Material:
Harmony Is A Balance Of Contradictions
The Universal Law Of Harmony
Unifying The Two Forces Of Nature Within

Legacy of the Spiritual Teacher

919Question: A spiritual teacher waits for his students and prepares himself for him. Is this his life?

Answer: Yes, of course! This is what Baal HaSulam writes! The teacher is preparing for the student to come to him, and he will pass the method to him.

When I studied with Rabash, it was absolutely clear to me that I had to prepare to teach. I immediately began to record lessons on a tape recorder, draw, and write down what Rabash told me when we were walking in the park. I began to systematize these materials and put them in order.

I knew for sure that I would have to take the method from him and pass it on. I had a clear feeling that I existed in order to receive it from him.

I did not know how many years I would stay with him because he was a 70-year-old man when I came to him, but I was sure that after all my ordeals and searches for a teacher, I should receive the method precisely from him.

I just did not see anyone else, although I knew many and was searching. Rabash was completely directed toward spirituality—in spirit, in approach, in terms of source, in character, in desire, and in readiness. Therefore, I knew that I was receiving this media package from him, which I would have to pass on. He also knew it. Thus, his entire archive, his entire legacy, was passed on to me.

After the death of Rabash, I immediately revealed the entire archive to everyone. If someone else had the archive, he might have kept it and not given it away, or would have given it out one serving at a time for personal reasons, perhaps to feel that he has it and therefore is special.

But I immediately gave all his students a chance to make copies of the originals for their use. After that, I felt calm. The works of Rabash were not lying on my desk. I fulfilled my duty to my friends. I gave them everything.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/12/10

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The Spiritual Education of a Kabbalist
Under the Influence of Education by Light
Education Out of Love

Kabbalah Is an Integral Science

214Comment: When I came across Kabbalah and heard your talks, I felt that there is truth, that nothing else opened my eyes to reality so much. I really felt it on myself.

My Response: But you cannot say what it is. It has been revealed to you that this is indeed very serious knowledge but not yet what it represents. You just had the feeling of something opening.

Comment: I had seen, read, and studied various things before that, but it was Kabbalah that seemed real and authentic to me. I do not even have words to explain it.

My Response: I will tell you where it comes from. Kabbalah is an integral science that absorbs everything. It tells us about the upper root from which all branches descend into our world: control systems, education systems, inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human nature, systems that perceive it all back. That is, it is a science that speaks about the control of our world.

Therefore, whatever you say about our world, Kabbalah has its own very clear opinion and very deep management root. I can always find the root, how it happens, how it developed in the past, what quality it currently has, the place, how it is controlled from the outside, and what will happen to it in the future—in general, about everything.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Kabbalah About Cults” 12/18/13

Related Material:
Universal Technique
Kabbalah—Delving Into Nature
Unity Is The Purpose Of Evolution In Nature

Rabash: Disseminating Kabbalah

962.6Question: Why didn’t Rabash engage in dissemination before your arrival, like Baal HaSulam was?

Answer: He couldn’t do it.

Comment: You come, and suddenly a breakthrough begins!

My Response: First, I forced him to write articles. He published one article every week.

I brought new students to him, and he said, “Now teach. Tell them how to get organized together.” I replied: “What does it mean to get organized together? I don’t know.”

Was I trained to do this? I knew personal spiritual work, what I had gone through, or what I studied theoretically, a little, but how to organize a spiritual team of ten people like Rabbi Shimon?

Therefore, I asked him to write me a few words, theses. And while sitting on a park bench, he wrote his first article on a piece of paper from a pack of cigarettes that I gave him: “We have gathered here to lay the foundation of our new society, which will move toward the Creator according to the method of Baal HaSulam, so as not to remain at the level of animals, but rise to the level of “man.”

When the guys came, I read it to them right from that piece of paper. And then added what else could be said. We talked among ourselves on this topic, and in general, that was it.

A week later, we had to gather again. I asked Rabash, “What am I going to talk to them about this week?” He replied: “We need to think about it,” and wrote the theses on a piece of paper. Etc.

And then we bought him a typewriter. He gradually adapted to it and articles began to form. Every Thursday morning, I took another article, made 50 copies, and distributed them to my friends in the evening. One of them read the article aloud, and we discussed it.

And so, it went. Therefore, over the course of five to six years, starting from the year 1984, he wrote many articles, from which we subsequently published the five-volume Kitvey Rabash (Writings of Rabash).

In addition, we also published his works from which such books as Shamati were assembled, what he heard from his father, and all sorts of sketches, separate drafts of articles, and so on.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/12/10

Related Material:
Rabash: Spiritual Revolution
Rubicon of Rabash
Rabash Opens The Way For Us

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 12/27/22

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Zohar for All “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” “The Letter of Rav Hamnuna Saba” 

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam “Introduction to The Book of Zohar

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Selected Highlights

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