Under the Influence of Education by Light

622.02Comment: Suppose a person heard you and suddenly felt something unusual, exactly what he had always wanted to hear. This feeling, which he is guided by, is the truth for him until other people come and say: “Think it over,” which starts to turn on the person’s logic, his reason. And this reasoning of other people  stops a person in his development.

It often happens that a person begins to predict something in advance. He already condemns himself to failure in advance because he tries to build everything logically. And you always say: “Do it, and the reason will come.”

My Response: Yes, because, as a rule, you use the reason that you have accumulated in advance that is based on your previous unilateral egoistic development. The mind is unilateral, and therefore, you cannot do anything with the help of the previous program. You should close your mind, start upgrading, and deal only with attracting the upper force that will do it for you.

And if, while attracting the upper force, you work with your previous past mind, then nothing will work. Then you fall out of everything, both from your past egoistic activity and from your future one.

Close your eyes, blindly follow your teacher, and realize that there is no other way. I hope that soon this will be understood not only by my students who have not yet realized this, but by the whole world. People will have no other choice; they will feel that they have eaten their pudding and nothing good will shine for them any longer.

Having done away with their egoistic economy, that is, with all their egoistic calculations of how to exist in the best way, they will come to the realization of the evil of their nature and the need to exit it. But how do you get out of your own skin? This is what I have to explain to them.

There will no longer be any doubts; there will be a demand that simply says, “Do with us what you want!”—just like that.

As Baal HaSulam writes, we must sit down and study, and this will reform us. As we re-educate, society, the media, everything, will change. We will digest ourselves, and slowly but daily, taste this change for the new, rebuild the systems of social relationships, of the influence of governments on the people, of the interaction of states among themselves, and gradually rebuild everything under the influence of education by light.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Believe Feelings! Beware the Mind!” 10/7/13

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