All Pleasures Are in the Creator

260.01We love rest, and vehemently hate movement, to the point that we do not make even a single movement if not to find rest.

Similarly, we love wisdom, power, wealth, and all the virtues because they are contained in Him, who is our root (Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, Part 1, Inner Observation, Chapter 4, Item 19).

Question: So the Creator has all this power, wealth, etc?

Answer: Of course. Everything that does not relate to movement, procreation, anything that involves change, exists in the Creator. We are the consequence of this, therefore, we also do not want these changes in us.

Question: There is a great number of pleasures in our world. Are all these pleasures and fulfillments in the Creator?

Answer: Of course. Where else? Where can they come from?

Question: Suppose a person enjoys violence. Is this also in the Creator?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: I think that people imagine the Creator differently. It is written that He is “Good who does good” and this is absolute love.

My Response: But by the time it reaches us in our world, in opposite actions, we already begin to receive pleasure from actions opposite to the Creator.

Comment: That is, He is in His root an Absolute, but by the time it comes to us…

My Response: If you draw near Him, you will feel that you are entering goodness, eternity, love, and mutuality. But if you are not getting close to Him… That is, there are filters between us, opposite states, so that we can study all that.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 12/4/22

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