Inadequate People

560All people on Earth are divided into numerous different stages of attainment, development, and sensations.

First of all, they are divided into five parts according to the basic principles of creation, which is divided into five levels. Each level into another five, and another five, and so on.

This division occurs based on the intensity of desire and the possibility of its attainment, meaning in the heart (desire) and mind.

Question: It is believed that 20% of people on Earth are practically inadequate, with deviations from the norm. What is their role in the overall process?

Answer: They are carriers of information and, in turn, also participants in the general process, including even those people who are completely disconnected from the world, from life. They were born, let’s say, autistic or with other mental impairments that cannot be cured, and they are practically withdrawn into themselves, unresponsive to us.

But we must understand that we have no right to destroy them as it was done in ancient Greece, Nazi Germany, or India (where there was a law concerning widows who were burned along with their deceased husbands).

These people, regardless of their form of existence, ultimately serve as a buffer for all the problems of human society. Our problems are as if loaded unto them, and they carry with them certain information about humanity, being next to us. That is why we have no right to treat them badly but, on the contrary, we must treat them with compassion and help them to the best of our ability.

They carry a part of the human load, and even more—the heavy part.

Question: But it is like a suspended layer of information? How can we interact with it?

Answer: It is impossible to discuss these matters with people who do not see the whole nature from inside. They do not understand their own participation in nature, and especially those who are sick from our point of view.

Only when you see the true picture of creation do you begin to understand their role, that there is nothing in nature that is created in vain, and there is nothing bad in it.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Crazy people“ 8/20/11

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