Psychological Deviations and a Person’s Inner Development

508.1Question: According to Kabbalah should we treat mentally unstable people or is it better to leave them alone?

Answer: In general Kabbalah does not have an objective to treat a person. If one wants to study Kabbalah, he has this opportunity. Nowadays the wisdom of Kabbalah is becoming open to all. It does not matter who studies it, a Jew or non-Jew, a healthy person or one with psychological problems; the Internet is open for all. Feel free to study.

There are no limitations to study Kabbalah, it cannot be closed for someone or graduated based on certain conditions. It cannot be this way. This cannot be because every person has to achieve the goal of his creation. He cannot remain at that animal level where he exists. This is the spiritually inanimate level.

Comment: But Kabbalah attracts many people with a predisposition, for example, for schizophrenia.

My Response: This is natural! If you enter the psychology or psychiatry department at any university you will see that half of the students there are with such inclinations because they are attracted to this!

Whereas people with an aptitude for technical studies whose brains work “1+1=2” go into technology. People who are inclined to grow not up, but down become educators, teachers.

I do not want to insult anyone; I am just talking about people’s inclinations, what they want to deal with: some of them with metal, others with human material, a third kind with children, a fourth kind with stars, and so forth.

Basically, these social and psychological inclinations do not matter for our inner spiritual development. They are not reflected whatsoever in spiritual development. Such a difference between people exists only at the corporeal level.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Brain Of a Madman” 7/12/11

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