The Paradoxes of Anti-Semitism

400Question: Do you think anti-Semitism will change?

Answer: No, it will not change until the complete correction of humanity because man’s natural egoistic nature makes him a hater of the Creator.

If the point in the heart is present in a person, which is a part of the Creator from above, then he hates this point, but does not know why. He invents all sorts of other reasons, like, for example, Jews steal, plunder, lie, and use me. They have long noses, long ears, or something else. All this is not clear.

Question: How can we use this?

Answer: You cannot. We have to tell man why he exists. Everything will pass. There is not much time left now. Humanity will receive a few more blows on the head and will start to come to. I hope it will happen over the next few years.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Hatred of the Jews” 5/14/11

Related Material:
Jewish Anti-Semites: Paradox Or Pattern?
“What Is The Root Cause Of Antisemitism, And How Do You Fight Anti-Semitism Concretely?” (Quora)
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