While I Live…

172Question: What discussions did you have with your teacher?

Answer: He repeated the same thing a hundred times. It entered me gradually, until eventually at least something got in. Therefore, today I understand why everything is happening in the world, I understand the situation.

As long as I live, I want to pass on my knowledge to others and thereby relieve some moments of humanity’s existence. I hope I can do it. What else do I live for? If I received some knowledge and it suddenly starts to be really useful today, how can I not share it?

Humanity perhaps today still does not understand much, except for a small part of people, but it is approaching this very quickly. I am sure that our knowledge will spread without any connection with me; it does not matter to me.

Gradually, people will see that everything that happens to them today is necessary only so that they unite. And after uniting, they will enter a new level, a new degree.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Balance or Ballast” 8/31/11

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