I Hide Nothing!

631.1Comment: Sometimes you say that after you there will be extensive material in the archive, and then the group can go on by itself.

My Response: No, it will not work! It will be the same as all over the world, the same farce.

If a certain mass of people from among my students do not reach the exit to the upper world, then all this may fall again and die out. The world will plunge into darkness again, and will be unable to reach the upper degree in a kind, smooth, fast way. It will plunge into decades of wars, terrible wars of annihilation: shoot, burn, and clean up the Earth.

Question: You say that the teacher does the work for the students. What do you do to help students, what elements do you use?

Answer: I act the same way as parents who do everything for their children, but this is hidden from the child’s awareness. That is why you do not see or feel anything yet, you are at the degree of a child.

Question: Maybe you will reveal some secret?

Answer: There are no secrets here! I am not hiding anything. You hide everything from yourself with your own brains. The whole of nature, the whole universe, is open. What can I do? Should I put different eyes in you so that you can see?

A small child who really wants to become an adult is comforted by the toy bought for him. He plays with it, he sees himself in it; it matches him. What can he do with a huge car or with some incomprehensible system?
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. You can’t Advance Ahead Without a Teacher” 7/23/11

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