The Greatest Reward

276.02For this reason, a person begins to work not in order to receive reward, but because of the glory of the King (RABASH,”What Does It Mean that Oil Is Called ‘Good Deeds’ in the Work?”).

Question: What does a person feel here? Does he not see a reward at all or does it still exist but in a different form?

Answer: To reveal the greatness of the Creator in our actions is the greatest reward; this is what we must imagine.

The reward is to bestow to the Creator because bestowing to Him will be receiving for us.

Question: What if there is a fear that when the Creator is revealed in the receiving Kelim, I will not be able to resist pleasure?

Answer: There is no one closer to you than the Creator. And there is no one kinder to you than the Creator. Therefore, there is absolutely nothing to fear. You have to be before Him the way you are before yourself, and even more. You can admit to Him what you cannot admit to yourself.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/30/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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