Questions about Spiritual Work—4

281.02Question: What does it mean to feel the mutual and reciprocal love of a typical single soul?

Answer: It is possible to feel mutual love when we all connect, feel a common connection between us, and try to fulfill each other through it.

Question: How can we understand that we are ready to be born? How can we bring this state closer to the ten?

Answer: If you are ready to bestow to each other in the group, then you are ready to be born.

Question: If we have a middle line, will we still continue to divide everything into good and evil?

Answer: Of course. Egoism or altruism, we will always distinguish one from the other.

But after complete correction, all egoism will turn into altruism. Then we will not be able to distinguish anything. There will be no opposing knowledge, opinions, and desires, everything will work only in one direction—for the sake of the other.

Question: How do we check our willingness to give to the friends in the ten? What do we give them?

Answer: We give them our participation. How do we do this? We gather together and decide: from now on, let us rise to an even greater level of connection between us so that the Creator can come even closer to us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/28/23, “According to the Sorrow, So Is the Reward”

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